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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Press TV: Obama Saddled with Mythology of 9/11

"History will have to judge his decision to expand the drone war, allow heroin production, begun under Bush, to continue and flourish. Obama was saddled with the mythology of 9/11, the mythology of our “best friend Israel” and a nation that had become dependent on lies and manipulation.”

Press TV: Why Else Did the CIA Spymaster Resign?

The United States is undergoing a political maelstrom that, in many ways, parallels what is currently going on in China.

Syria’s Assad Warns of Apocalyptic War

In a rare interview with Russia Today TV, President Bashar Assad vigorously clarified his stance on the current Syrian crisis created by the West and some regional states including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar and warned them of the apocalyptic consequences of any foreign intervention in Syria.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – November 12, 2012

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy's devastation, I want you to know that VA is doing everything possible to provide safe and high quality care and benefits to Veterans in the New York Metropolitan area.

Afghanistan: Is Creating a “Narco-State” Considered “Nation-building?”

If an occupation of a foreign land has patently failed to make ‘residual’ sense even for its cheerleaders, what would be a corrective action? To call it quits, and get the guys & gals back home?

Now it’s payback time! Why Obama should bust Netanyahu for 9/11

President Obama should destroy Netanyahu's career in the biggest, most spectacular way possible - by busting Netanyahu for 9/11.

Political Socialization in the Absence of Reason

Culture is the fabric that binds society. Socialization or the lack thereof, is a cognitive operation of acceptance. What a person recognizes as valid is a process of giving consent to the underlying principles and norms that make up a value system.

Eleven Questions for Veterans Day

Veterans Day celebrates the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. What's with all the elevens?

Who Is The Middle Class

It's sad that Barak Obama had to be the first black to be elected president. Ever since he got into office, Obama has been leaning over backward to avoid being patronising, or looking like it, to African Americans.

Never take a knife to a gunfight

The 2012 national elections are over. Conservatives are at a loss for words to describe the election results, while liberal progressives are giddy with joy.

Veterans: We Honor Those Who Die, We Neglect Those Who Survive

Too bad our government and nation honor those who die and neglect those who survive. We honor those who die in wars with 21-rifle salute perhaps a place in Arlington National Cemetery, if the remains are lucky one and escape the garbage dumps were the remains of many ended.

Dempsey Honors U.S. Veterans at Seoul Memorial

Veterans of the Korean War would have recognized the weather if nothing else about the South Korean capital of Seoul.

Obama lays wreath, honors nation’s veterans

President Barack Obama honored the nation’s military veterans on Sunday, paying tribute at a Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington Memorial Cemetery to "the heroes over the generations who have served this country of ours with distinction.

VA Long Beach seeing major changes

    The term Veterans Affairs Hospital is outdated, officials say. Recently, the push is to replace hospital with health care system — they are trying...

Veterans Day: Thank An American Hero

Join with First Lady Michele Obama thanking a hero now!

Veterans Day Poem: Pray For Me Father

A Veterans Day Poem

History of Veterans Day

How did we get a Veterans Day? Find out here!

Our Soldiers Killing and Dying For “Dirt”

In gasoline/diesel-powered vehicles, most of the fuel's energy , 70 – 72%, is lost within the engine primarily as heat.

Would a President Ron Paul say “9/11 Denial is Holocaust Denial”

America just went through an election, another stolen election.

Press TV: Romney More Hitleresque than Bush

One of the greatest powers over the American people has been their willingness to have their rights taken away.

Islamic Centre: Saudi Arabia’s Strategic Move On The Afghan Chessboard

- Afghanistan is an ideal springboard and battleground for the spread of Saudi Sunni Wahhabism and Iranian Shiite fundamentalism throughout Central Asia

Petraeus Resigns, McCain Celebrates with New Friend (shocking exclusive photo)

- Rumors about the Resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus Pure Misdirection

Zen and Henry Waxman’s Legacy

Well, if you voted for Mr. Waxman to a 20th consecutive term in Congress, then you teamed up with Henry to continue kicking our downtrodden and downhearted homeless Veterans.

Bibi Bombs with Romney – Uri Avnery

- Are the Israelis Ready to Put the Romney Kabosh on Netanyahu?

Occupy Veteran Affairs

  As the election has ended and the campaign ads have dissolved off of the television, most people have gone back to their every day...

Inappropriate drug use found at VA

More than one in four older veterans in nursing homes were taking antipsychotic medications, with more than 40 percent of those veterans having no documented related diagnosis, according to new research by the University of Pittsburgh and VA Pittsburgh Medical Center.

CHINA: New Sheriff In Town

Let’s Bottom Line this world changing event. China said "Jump" the US said "How high?"

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – November 09, 2012

A new study recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that when African American patients take part in a waiting room exercise that encourages them to reflect on their personal values, it helped improve communication between the patients and their white doctors.
We The People Flag Constitution

TOP 10 Ideas for Federal Campaign Reform

Our campaigns are antiquated and molded. It's time for a major overhaul.

Rejection of Obama by Electoral College

That rather silly woman, with respect, Anne Applebaum, has had another go at the so-called ‘birthers’ in her typically ill-informed column in today’s Daily Telegraph.

Veterans can get Answers

  Mr. Zamosky, a graduate of Hempfield Area High School, joined the Army National Guard at 17 and went on active duty with the Air...

9/11: Civil Court Finds Against Arrested Dancing Israelis

Did the "dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11 file a bogus lawsuit purely for propaganda purposes?

What Obama’s Re-Election Means for the Military, Veterans

Even though Barack Obama has served as commander in chief for the last four years, his re-election Tuesday will mean significant changes for the military in coming months, especially in terms of defense spending.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – November 08, 2012

This is National Family Caregivers Month when VA salutes the brave family members and friends who are taking care of our Veterans.

Press TV: Netanyahu repentant as Obama re-elected

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has moved quickly to mend fences with the White House after President Barack Obama was re-elected to office for another four years.

Tomah VA Medical Center Green House Project

Tomah Veterans Affairs Medical Center held a groundbreaking ceremony on Monday for two new veterans homes. The Green Homes are modeled after the Green House Project, a...

The Triumph of a Soaring heart

The triumph of my soaring heart, which all of you have felt, is seeing through the heart.
israel murderers

Turkey Puts Israeli Officers on Trial for Terror Attack on Humanitarians

On May 31, 2010 a ship loaded with relief supplies and humanitarians to deliver them to the besieged people of Gaza was attacked by heavilyisrael murderers armed Jewish terrorists of the Israeli military.

Mahmoud Abbas and the Right of Return

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its leadership never had any legitimacy deriving from Palestinians under Occupation or in the Diaspora.

VT Reveals Top Deep Cover Political Spy

- Attempted Blackmail Forces us to Burn an Agent

Why Didn’t the Republicans Steal The Election?

Take the survey, win valuable prizes.

Latinos Push GOP to Political Extinction

Yesterday, the future hit the GOP right between the eyes and, this time, it's a knockout punch that will forever change them. And that's good for everyone!