Tag: jim w dean
Killing Obama – United States vs. Andrew B. Adler
Do they not first and foremost put Israeli interests first and America's second, by subverting our political process to the fullest of their abilities
VT Movie Night – More Jim Dean Vimeo Picks
Drinking is allowed, encouraged actually, but if you are going eat something make sure it is lap food that does not distract your viewing
How Rick Santorum Ripped Off American Veterans
As a result of cutbacks and declining quality in care, the suit claimed, the suicide rate at the Home spiked from 59 in 2000 to 131 in 2003
Uri Avnery on Israel – Peace versus Racism and Xenophobia
Our first job is to break the barriers...change reality, create a new Israeli society. We need blockbusters. Uri Avnery
Afghanistan: A Non-Kosher U.S. Taliban Deal
Taliban and "peace mission" -- these words do not fit together in the minds of Afghans who know the Taliban's history.
Steel Balls – How to Live and Die on a SuperBike
It is not often we can experience what a moment before death is like, nor would we want to.
Hamas Goes Non Violent – Israel Prefers War of Aggression
Khaled Mash’al declares that Hamas has given up all violent action...it will concentrate on non-violent mass demonstrations, in the spirit of the Arab Spring...Uri Avnery
The Stealth Zionist War on Ron Paul
I’m sorry, but when a New York City detective calls me and tells me that they arrested the 9/11 terrorists but had to put them on a plane to fly to Israel afterward..
Standing Up to the NeoCon War Crowd – Nuremberg Style
American NeoCons, many of them Zionist Jews...advanced a 'pre-emptive strike' doctrine into American national defense policy, the result of several decades of Israeli Intelligence operations here.
The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper
The Intelligence Gift of the Century...Except for the Jonathan Pollard Israel-Soviet Caper
Our American Defense Dept – Where Is It When You Really...
When Budgets Cuts Slice Your Own Throat
... by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor
This counterfeit and 'unusually sourced' Defense Department parts problem has been with...
VT Movie Night – Jim Dean Vimeo Picks
The best independent filmmaker HD footage on Vimeo is just wonderful
Greedy Bastards – MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Nails American Leadership Corruption
Are We Burning Our House Down Around Us?
Israeli Spy and American Traitor Jonathan Pollard – Pressure Building for...
Why Do So Many Americans Betray Their Country for Israel
Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel A Former Communist Spy?
The Legacy of Post WWII Political Intrigue and Espionage
Erdogan to Asssad – Leave and Live
Fighting against your own people is not heroism, but cowardice
Occupy Williamsburg Bridge – Woman Holds Police Hostage
Prosecutors in Brooklyn Wednesday reduced the reckless endangerment charges
Saif Captured – Post Gaddafi Libya Debate Continues
VT's early position was to back the rebels and we also backed the Egyptian Revolution to let them run their own countries
U.S. Upgrading Turkey F-16s With Fire Control Source Code
Turkey is a vastly more important military ally than Israel, which is of no strategic importance whatsoever.
VT Weekend Concerts – Foo Fighters Live at Wembley
David Grohl...I would rather do what no one expected me to do...and there's nothing anyone can really do to discourage me.
Veterans Day – Warrior Poets on Display
Our war poems and poets...are becoming less visible, almost like a slow motion death sentence.
What Veterans Can Do For Constitutional Regime Change
Time for Veterans to Acknowledge We Are in a Two Front War
Halloween – A VT Public Safety Notice
There is No Such Thing as Carrying an Illegal Weapon on Halloween
Fukushima Sabotage – Japanese Journalist Accuses Israel
In retaliation for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state
Breaking: Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack...
The only way to stabilize oil prices ...closing the Straits of Hormuz
John Hinckley, Jr. – Manchurian Candidate For Who?
I've come to realize that I'm the topic of more than a little conversation...Hinckley to Jodie Foster.
Bank of America – FDIC Robbery In Progress with Toxic Derivatives
hundreds of trillions of dollars of worthless securities created out of thin air.
The Other Eye of Hurricane Katrina – Disaster Capitalism
...only a great flood, a war, a terrorist attack - can generate the vast, clean canvases they crave
Israel Spits in America’s Face – Again
Retired American Intel Community is Ready to Spill the Beans on Israeli Espionage
USS Jimmie Carter: “Conspiracy Theory” Cover Up – Stealth Sub Causes...
"You're just another f__king Boy Scout...You're insufficiently compliant." ...Navy Sec. John Lehman
Mid East Drums for War are Beating
Israel and Greece invoke mutual defense pact signed secretly 12 days ago
Russians Rethinking Shifting Sands in the Mid East
Eric Walberg has a treasure trove of Russian geo-political archive material with a great piece below.
Delegitimizing Israel – Only Israelis Could Do It and They Have
Zionist Secret Delegitimization Counter Plan Leaked to VT
WikiLeaks – War on Terror No Problem for Israeli Crime Bosses
As such Israelis who are known to work for or belong to OC families are not automatically ineligible for travel to the United States
VT Was Right – Again
Kucinich chief of staff Vic Edgerton would not confirm or deny that Kucinich did in fact have a conversation with a Qaddafi official
Gaddafi’s Israeli Intel Mercenaries Uncovered
incontrovertible proof that Israelis, working in Tripoli, actively managed Gaddafi's intelligence services.
Libyan WMD – VT and Wikileaks Were Right
We were right and they were wrong...And the Libyan people will be the final judge of both.
Will Israelis Take US Congressmen Hostage for a Pollard Exchange?
Justice Department will not prosecute high officials for Israeli espionage
SEAL Team Six Story Unfolding
I have been told that a MINIMUM of three helos would normally be used for a group of that size.
Uri Avnery on the Israeli Tent Revolt
Eighty-seven percent said they (Israelis) supported the housing demonstrations