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2011 Marine Corps 236th Birthday Message

The Continental Marines were the Marine Force of the American Colonies during the American Revolutionary War.

Remembering LIBERTY for Veterans Day: A Book Review and a Candidates...

The attack on the USS Liberty remains "the only incident of damage to a major US ship since the sinking of the USS MAINE in Havana Harbour in 1898, prior to the Spanish-American War, that has not been investigated by the US Congress."

Teacher Student Sex Puts American Culture On Trial

Americans applaud violence and love war while they chastized sex and the act of being human.

Refugees, Gandhi’s and Free Radicals

Gandhi pointed out three possible responses to oppression and injustice. The coward’s way out, which is to accept the wrong and run away, or to stand and fight by force of arms, but the third and best way is to fight by speaking truth and remaining physically nonviolent. The Palestinian Gandhi Project is.......

A Marine Discusses the Wall Street Protest and NYPD

Now we have NYPD, a police force I have always admired, where I have more than a few friends, playing the "petty thug" for Wall Street. I am ashamed

‘Free Palestine’ Book Now On Internet

Radio Free Palestine pulls no punches and is an indictment on the international community, which has failed this region of the world for so many years.You will be angered by its message and, hopefully, moved to share their passion for peace in the Middle East.

Sweeping Up the Mess and Saving Our Kids

It isn't the American people, it is our economic system, meaning a criminal element that has gained control of our banking, our currency and, to a very major extent, our government. There is no long term ability for the US to survive economically. Bush killed us.

“The Wandering Who” Gilad Atzmon’s Look At the Darkness Behind “Seinfeld”

VT explores Atzmon's exposé on use of "Anti-Semite" marketing for profit; a dangerous must read.

Former Brit Foreign Secretary: “Israel should have apologized”

Israel could – and should – have apologized in a full-hearted manner, but in a way that neither humiliated nor embarrassed them. Once the apology had been issued, and then accepted by Turkey, both countries would have had a platform for the restoration of normal relations.

Brzezinski: The Last American Cowboy "Spills the Beans"

No wonder Dick Cheney has asked Hillary Clinton to offer a primary challenge to President Obama. As Obama has finally begun to take the grips of state, offending Israel with realistic foreign policy and demanding that wealthy Americans begin paying for their decades of failed "Reaganomics" free ride, Cheney, biggest lunatic of them all, works to divide.

Rick Perry Gets it Very Wrong About Israel Palestine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been to Israel more than any other presidential candidate and he believes he’s on a mission from God. In his 11 years in office he also wrested much power away from that states Legislature. This citizen of conscience for US House of Representatives has been to Israel seven times since 2005, but I spent my time in occupied Palestine, on my mission from God: seek truth and report it!

Egyptians Break Down Wall Around Israeli Embassy

"A security wall erected around the Israeli embassy, a strong reminder of the West Bank barrier, was totally unacceptable in Cairo."

We Will Not Be Silenced!

I call you that because you are like an old friend, perhaps one gone a bit potty, a bit over the edge, a bit obsessed. So many of us have that crazy aunt in the attic. You are mine. Last week, you called me a “vicious anti-Semite.” Last week John Kaminski called me a “Jewish cockroach.” Gaddafi’s secret police called me a CIA thug then, later in the week, we learned they themselves had been running CIA rendition programs from Tripoli since 2002.

Israel Better Think Twice

Israel and its supporting lobbies had better learn how to contain their inherent violent tendencies. Israel cannot win this battle. The sooner the Israelis encompass this obvious fact, the better it is for Israel and for world peace.

Bought Blair, Why Britain Fell

Wendi Deng reveals link in a magazine interview where she describes the ex-PM as one of her husband's 'closest friends'

Libyan Kabuki

When hundreds of thousands of Israelis began protesting their own government, that had to be stopped. The timing was all wrong. How was it dealt with?

Come September: The UN, Palestine, Israel, Vanunu and a Syrian Connection

My source in Syria informs me that the Philippine government has now called for all their nationals to leave the country and the British government is gearing up to evacuate all Brits from the costal areas of Syria to Turkey at a days notice. He added, “With September right around the corner I have no doubt that something very bad is brewing and will probably be here before the U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood.”

Gaddafi’s “Pet Journalists” 5 Star Prison

Some are real journalists but others are highly paid "guests" of Gaddafi. They were brought into the country to "seed" propaganda.

Rick Perry, Glenn Beck and Alan Dershowitz: Meshugener or Shmucks?

Mishugener is a Yiddish word meaning insane or crazy. A Schmuck is Yiddish for a self-made fool- but it also refers to male only anatomy.......

Hackers, Worms and Israel-USA Collusion Versus Gaza-Palestine

While hard working American tax payers face economic hardships, 81 members of Congress neglected listening to their constituents during this summers recess to take a lobbyist-funded trip designed to pressure them into sending even more tax-payer-funded weapons to the Israeli military which will be used to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians.

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident

Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.

Phony Letterman Threat Tracked to Israeli SITE

This video makes up one small piece of evidence leading investigators to Tel Aviv when looking for the real perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. You see, this video was prepared and passed on to Fox News prior to 9/11.

Israel: July 14th Movement, Arab Spring in Tel Aviv

The Israelis, young and old, hitting the streets in numbers reminiscent of Tahir Square in Egypt, don't really understand why the world is looking at them. Massive demonstrations, initially in Tel Aviv, protesting government failures to provide basic services despite the $30,000 per person Israel receives in "foreign aid" and allowances from the United States. A nation of professionals, Nobel Prize winners, one of the world's largest arms exporters, a nation that has imported nearly 1 million "guest workers," can't make ends meet, or so it tells its people.

Is Iceland on Israeli radar after Norway?

“Mossad is a master at false-flag terrorist attacks designed to alter perceptions and punish opponents of Israeli policy.

Israel used an imposter and a belly dancer to counteract flotilla...

Israel had to fight back the flotilla II with the same tools the activists used but the dirty way.

US Congress Lied To About Israel-Palestine Conflict

There is only one thing worse than being lied to, Congress. And that’s acting on a lie.

This Week: Gaddafi “Secret Delegation” To Israel

Libyan diplomats visited Israel to 'change their country's image'   MK Sheetrit says that the two came to Israel to promote business plans; Interior Ministry...

Flotilla, Flytilla and the prospect of ‘Civil Society Action’

it is actually Israel that was harshly beaten here, for Israel has managed to expose its level of hysteria: it seems that eight old yachts and a few hundred Easyjet passengers have managed to shake the entire Israeli society.

Obama and Gaza: US Blockade Aid a Violation

My daughter's death shows the cruelty of an America that won't protect its own and is complicit in harming Palestinian civilians.

Zionist Crime Against Humanity…Instilled Memory

...accompanying symptoms are belligerent behavior, recurrent suspicions, disconnection from the real world, conspiracy theories and narcissism.

Starving Gaza Is Not Cricket

You're suddenly in the blockade busting business and if you succeed in getting through you'll put a lot of noses out of joint and symbolically squidge the evil ambitions of racist-supremacists like Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman and Peres.

To Renee Fleming from a Flaming Fleming

Renee Fleming is scheduled to perform Jerusalem on 28 July to sing a concert of ‘duets and arias’ accompanied by ‘Israel’s flagship’ the Israel Philharmonic, which is to be broadcast to 480 cinemas across America under the title ‘Live from Jerusalem’.

Has the Declaration of Independence “Expired?”

America needs a new declaration of independence. The old one is as forgotten and tattered as the constitution that followed it, values forgotten, independence set aside, subjugated to a very real global conspiracy.

Cynthia McKinney: Gaddafi’s Useful Idiot

While Muammar Gaddafi grows ever more desperate as he loses key military support, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is shamelessly serving as a propagandist for the Libyan tyrant’s regime.

Feeding the Brave Flotilla to Israel’s Slavering Attack-Dogs

Our oh-so-moral international community, always poking its democracy-loving nose into any trouble spot that might threaten western security (whatever that means) and always eager to mobilize its mighty weapons of war, is still reluctant to operate on the cancer it foolishly implanted into the Holy Land 63 years ago and which now menaces the world.

Murder, Glastonbury and the Nuclear Nightmare

The killings, Cook, Kelly and more, many more, all seem to circle around arms dealers known for their ties to access to nuclear material and their willingness to broker deals between Israel and such unlikely customers as Iraq or North Korea. Thus far, only the death of Dr. David Kelly is confirmed to have been a murder tied to one or more of these arms deals.

The hell with Israel; Open Gaza Port

Israel, the angry, unhappy and psychological misfit nation it is, full of hate and contempt for the world and human value, is a country that never gives damn or due considerations to international law and always have contempt for world opinion will most likely send its army of war criminals to assault the freedom flotilla heading out to Gaza this week.

Netanyahu: “Piddling” on Congress

What Netanyahu actually did was drag it out of his pants and hose them down. Why did he do it? The answer is simple, because he could? Was it wrong? Caligula put his horse in the Roman senate. American's never get the whole horse, just the horse's ass

Christians Flee Holy Land in Mass Modern Exodus

In 1947, 20% of the total population of the Holy Land was Christian. Today, less than 1.3% of the total population of that troubled piece of real estate is Christian.

This Year Its' Piracy

Last summer, Israel attacked the Gaza Flotilla, murdering 9 peace activists. To excuse this, they created phony radio traffic, doctored videos, staged a phony investigation and set their press goons into motion, displaying their direct ownership or control of 95% of America's "free press."

Gaddafi's Goons: The Phony Libya Peace Lobby

When the same crowd, the "neocon/chickenhawks" keeping America's younger generation on their opium babysitting mission in Afghanistan for a decade, maybe two, began shedding tears for Colonel Gaddafi, the cat was out of the bag.

One Missile, One Playground: The Will of Gaza

A “Hamas commander” drove a beat-up gray van in northern Gaza and theatrically spoke on his walkie-talkie as I sat in the passenger seat.