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Tag: gordon duff

Press TV: Iran threatened by possible US Air Force mutiny

Recent intelligence sources have revealed that at least one and perhaps as many as three KC 135 Stratotankers have left the United States, traversing the Pacific Ocean, for use in refueling Israeli attack aircraft on missions against Iran.

Revolt! Michigan Wars Against the Corporate Mob

The scene is Lansing, Michigan, where the GOP dominated legislature tries an 11th hour assault on the states workers, small business and middle class.

Scamsters, Spies and Trolls, an Internet Story

A recent investigation carried out by VT in concert with international agencies tasked with investigating computer crimes has made some startling discoveries.

Press TV: Christmas of murder, an American story

Christmas of murder, an American story ---  --- By Gordon Duff and Press TV  --- "The real voices of reason are invariably those of the “terrorist.” Speak the truth...

Press TV: West making big money from war threats: Intelligence expert

West making big money from war threats: Intelligence expert ---  --- "Last week, a media outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch (shown), a “stealth” Israeli citizen and powerful...

Press TV: Secret Intel Move Replaces CIA – “Lie Machine”

There has been a war inside the American intelligence community between two factions. On one side, a war between the “technogeeks,” those who spy from afar, who plot, who fabricate, who imagine, who create intelligence, not based on the reality of the world but on the needs of the powerful, the need to “certify lies” and those who would restore a human equation.

Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan? (video)

We thank readers (of www.sott.com) for the video referral. Though entertaining and enjoyable, there is a dark aspect of this century old mystery.

Press TV: US Builds Israeli Nuke Bunkers and Bio-War Labs

Legally, the law, based on the disputed Oslo Accords, which expired in 2000, would require the dismantling of the “Gaza Wall,” a project no different than the Warsaw Ghetto, the Berlin Wall or Buchenwald.

Sniping for Morons, Technology Trumps Training

The new TrackingPoint system makes long range shooting, those oh so difficult 800 meter head shots something granny or the kids can do with less than five minutes of training.

Roger Waters Speaks at the UN (video/music)

Musician, Roger Waters, speaks to the UN General Assembly on the issue of justice for the Palestinian people.

Nuclear Christmas, a Tale of False Flag Terror

Contacts within federal law enforcement indicate that Romney may well have faced arrest for a wide variety of charges tied to narcotics.

AIPAC, Decapitators Inside US Government: Intelligence Analyst

AIPAC, decapitators inside US government: Intelligence analyst.

Press TV: Darkness of Western Media Over Gaza

The fighting, for now at least, in Gaza is over. Both sides are “spinning a victory,” for the press.

Press TV: Are We Still Coddling “Hitler?”

Generally, it is a “given” that the West, America, Britain, France and Germany, are oblivious to any rational assessment of any conflict involving Israel.

Press TV: Obama Saddled with Mythology of 9/11

"History will have to judge his decision to expand the drone war, allow heroin production, begun under Bush, to continue and flourish. Obama was saddled with the mythology of 9/11, the mythology of our “best friend Israel” and a nation that had become dependent on lies and manipulation.”

Press TV: Romney More Hitleresque than Bush

One of the greatest powers over the American people has been their willingness to have their rights taken away.

Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America (archival by demand)

This was the real accomplishment of his presidency, one few knew of.

Press TV: Israel, Loser of Any Anti-Iran Scenario

For the past three years, Israel has not only demanded sanctions but has threatened to carry out a unilateral attack on Iran and has clearly used every form of psychological warfare, false flag terrorism and deceit to push the United States, France and NATO into an attack on Iran as Israel’s proxies.

Press TV: US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to...

- Admiral Gaouette was part of a group of military officers under suspicion for planning an overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected

Imran Khan Interviewed by “Nutcase” on CBC (Kanada video)

It's no secret that VT and its sister publication in Pakistan, Opinon-Maker are strong backers of Imran Khan.

Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense

A trained team of up to 120 special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador.

VT’s 30 Day Old Story on Benghazi Had it Right

What makes the new information "key" is more detailed information on the attack which proves conclusively it had taken days, perhaps weeks to plan and coordinate.

UFO Disclosure: Gordon Duff on Coast to Coast with George...

Thus far, the only national interview with a Majestic 12 "reading group" member.

Please g-d, Rid Us of the Constant SEAL Whining

It begins again, more political right wing money chasing by people claiming to be NAVY SEALS. Those of us who served in Vietnam know. Few of them died because they just weren't around.

Obama’s “October Surprise,” Nuke Deal with Iran

- Details for Nuke Enrichment Settlement Mostly Complete

$12m Terrorist Tied to US Campaign “October Surprise”

Up to $5 million is being offered for al-Fadhli's deputy, Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, who is accused of working with a network that served as a pipeline for al Qaeda to move operatives and funds in South Asia and the Middle East

Intel Drop: Sunday Morning, October 14, 2012

- The black dot is on the United States. Plans are in motion to take us down.

Aussie Govt. Whitewashes FBI Assassination

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Govt. of Australia found FBI agent Bill Spenser, who calls himself "William Phelps" not guilty of serious wrongdoing.

Undeniable, American Civil War, it is in the Cards

- We have bred it seems a race of sociopaths, be they cartel hit men, corrupt police or guards at military prisons, perhaps even contractors loading planes with narcotics

Press TV – Hollywood Masters Propaganda War on Iran

America’s new fall TV shows are back at it. Last year the Israeli propaganda and Islamophobia had begun to dissipate but, this year, it is easy to see, the “Masters of Hollywood” are engaged in war mongering on behalf of their own masters in Tel Aviv.

Press TV: Iran, Islam Scapegoat for US War Failures

Americans aren’t reading it in the news, the 2000th death of an American soldier in Afghanistan, ever increasing attacks each month and, most secret of all, the newer weapons being deployed.

America’s Singular Path, Life After Israel

- I would not trade the life of every general in the Pentagon for the life of a single child

Press TV: Tragedy of US police training by Israeli companies

During the Bush administration, Chertoff mandated that American police forces be trained by Israeli groups in crowd control, counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering.

Press TV: Netanyahu, the Desperate Despot

Eleven years ago, 1/8th of Lower Manhattan was vaporized in what is officially, based on demonstrable effects, the largest man-made “event” in history.

Sunday, September 23, 2012, False Flag Romney (CENSORED VIDEO)

olid intelligence reports indicate that terror cells within the US are planning a major attack on multiple public targets as "October Surprise 2," a followup to the killing of the American ambassador to Libya.

Findings: “Precision” Consulate Attack Coordinated with Jones Telethon/Film

Intelligence sources in Libya reported that foreign "assault teams" had arrived in Libya in advance of the unrest due to the Terry Jones telethon which included a short but insulting film clip involving the Prophet Mohamed. Terry Jones, reputed former CIA/Gladio recruiter, ran this 13 minute clip as part of a telethon made up of far worse material, a telethon broadcast wordwide at great cost to his 25 member church.

Top Senator Calls for Investigation of Bush False Flag Terror Plot

Accusations have been made against two senior Navy officials that may well lead to charges of conspiracy to commit murder.

Gladio: How We Terrorized Ourselves (Archival)

The original article was written several years ago. Since that time, Gladio units have reappeared in Norway with the Anders Breivik/Norwegian Police slaying of 77 and have become active across Europe under the guise of the anti-Islamic and ultra-nationalist banners.

Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag” ...

Our investigation into Jones past showed him to be a trained CIA asset with direct ties to the Mossad.

Press TV: Haqqani Outlawed, America’s Misguided Policies Continue

Today, Secretary of State Clinton added the “Haqqani Networks” to the list of terror organizations though Americans continue to negotiate with the Haqqani’s. America is nothing but consistent at being inconsistent. America plans on continuing talks with Irbrahim and Jaluddin Haqqani despite the “branding” as terrorists. Would a sane person attend a meeting with a drone overhead?

Syria, Iraq and Iran: None Nuclear, All Besieged

Three nations hold a key they may not know exists. Three nations, Syria, Iraq and Iran, none of them nuclear powers, all besieged internally or externally but in this, we find the key.

Sunday Morning, September 9th, 2012

If we have news this week, it involves Russia. Putin drives me crazy. He is hard to understand, one week, he is surrounded by Israeli oligarchs, doing the full "Obama" and the next week, his backbone and sanity has returned.