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Tag: gordon duff

Israel relationship with US damaged beyond repair over Iran attack

- The real loss to Israel will be the “special relationship” with the United States which may have been damaged beyond repair

Press TV: Special Ops con, imaginary warfare and non-existent enemies

With an election book by a SEAL, real or imaginary, out now, it is time for an honest discussion of “Special Operations” from someone who has actually sat through “mission planning” sessions involving three continents.

Mind Control and the “Left – Right” Paradigm

Kaizer Soze said it best in the film, "The Usual Suspects." "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn't exist."

File Sharer from Sweden Kidnapped in Cambodia

- Get me a movie of a house falling on Julian Assange and Rupert Murdoch while Tony Blair and George W. Bush are visiting and maybe we can win an academy award

Breaking: Afghanistan – America’s “Total Lie War”

Everyone in the world knows America’s invasion of Iran was a lie, an oil raid, from day one.

Press TV: NATO Secretly Authorizes Syria Attack

Yesterday afternoon, Monday, August 28, 2012, in a meeting in Brussels, NATO military leaders in consultation with “telephonic liaison” with officers of military forces in several former Soviet Republics, major African states, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states came to a combined decision to act against Syria.

FEMA Camps for Fools, Locking Away the Morons

Facts mean nothing, truth has no value, honor is unheard of...conspiracy theories, internet rumors and bible stories, this is their moral compass.

Press TV: US Veterans Treated Like Garbage (video)

The video below is less than three minutes. It was a short interview on a news program from Press TV, the Iranian network that I have found to be the best overall news available.

Why Is Iran’s Ayatollah Saner than Mitt Romney?

In Tehran, 120 nations got together, risking car bomb retaliation and the scorn of Mitt Romney and Sheldon Adelson to discuss why they think the UN is a cheap con and America and Israel are "full of it."

SEAL Whining Needs to Stop, Time For “Medium” Special Ops to...

A bit ago it was a book about imaginary leaks and a SEAL team that killed a man dead for a decade. As a Marine combat veteran from the Vietnam War, where we suffered more killed than Marines in World War 2, a casualty rate 400% higher, the 38 SEALS that died in that war have gotten a thousand times more credit than the 45% of Marines who served in combat that died.

Breaking: HBO’s “Newsroom” Blasts GOP as “Taliban”

The HBO series, Newsroom with Jeff Daniels, a show demonstrating not just the failure of American news reporting but worldwide cowardice and corruption, this week has debunked the American opposition party. Most serious is the timing, in the midst of the Republican Convention

Rogue Army Propaganda Mob Bans VT

- Defense Media Activity, a Command at Ft. Meade, Censors VT for Political Expose on Romney

Press TV: Planned war on Iran and the General who said...

- We chose to play chess while our opponents simply put a pistol on the table and emptied our pockets.

Update: Phone Interview with Brandon – Marine Held for Facebook Posts,...

- Government officials again pointed to Raub’s Facebook posts as the sole reason for their concern and for his continued incarceration.

Press TV: Americans Tiring of Netanyahu’s Clownish Threats

Americans Tiring of Netanyahu’s Clownish Threats   By Press TV and Gordon Duff   We have one thing in our news every day now, secret plans Israel leaks...

Jerusalem Post Reports Netanyahu Interference in US Elections

The article by Gil Hoffman of the conservative Jerusalem Post was a surprising one. Mofaz, a non-Jew member of the Knesset pointed out the obvious, Netanyahu believes he is "King of Israel" and can appoint American presidents.

Assange “Witch Hunt” Dupes Activists, US Extradition Claims Bogus

Assange, for those, many my own friends, who are too dumb to find their cars in their own driveway, is wanted for sex crimes in Sweden, not even a NATO country. After all these years, there has been no legal action against Assange in the US, none threatened, none planned, all just made up.

Sunday Morning, August 19th, 2012, 12:12AM

Writing for a defense publication has its issues. I am restricted from writing on things I work on myself. Come to think about it, I should be thanked.

Press TV: The Romney Conundrum, Loved in Israel and Hated by...

Romney’s has to enormous problems, he is drowning in Jewish money, legal donations from Las Vegas gambling “magnate,” Sheldon Adelson, a man who has spent years ducking criminal charges and the Koch Brothers, suspected of orchestrating fuel and food shortages which, during an election year, he hopes will drive voters to suicide.

Press TV: Americans Tiring of Netanyahu’s Clownish Threats

We have one thing in our news every day now, secret plans Israel leaks about their upcoming “shock and awe” attack on Iran. We don’t get it once a week, it’s a new story every 2 hours on every network, every paper. Then come the admissions, that Israel can’t attack anyone without America doing the fighting. We knew that all along. What Israel also knows is that no American will fight an Israeli battle again, not after Afghanistan and Iraq.

Army: “OPSEC” Political Group Violating OPSEC Protocols

- Time for OPSEC to ask about drugs and money laundering, things they know about personally, the only secrets they seem willing to keep.

“Special Ops” Anti-Obama Group Liars and “Blowhards”

- What surprised me this year is that senior Special Forces, many of whom live in the Southwest, now say they are voting Obama.

Press TV: Vietnam forgotten, more than a ‘Lost Generation’

There are two kinds of Vietnam vets now, dying and dead. A decade or so ago, there were two other kinds, those who really remembered the lessons and those who sold their souls for "thanks" and a platform for bitterness and ignorance.

Citizen Shooter Saves Officer with Amazing Shooting

- A 66 Year Old Texan Vic Stacey Puts Four .357 Magnum Pistol Rounds into a Killer Rifleman at 165 Yards

11:57pm, Saturday, August 11th 2012- Notes on Disinformation

There are two consecutive disinformation operations, out of many dozen, that have caught my attention.

Press TV: US Police Forces Being Israelized

The article below drew a hostile response from the CATO Institute and a myriad of suspicious "robo-sites" suspected of ties to terrorist organizations.

Does the “NATO Free” Libyan Goverment Overshadow America

During the entire struggle for independence, hundreds of "independent journalists," some paid up to $15,000 per day by Colonel Gaddafi, others working for the Washington-Israeli axis, publishing wild stories about heroic Libyan freedom fighters filled the internet. Their stories, in the thousands, discredited themselves and proved that the "independent media" was unaccountable to fact, Islamophobic, greedy and willing to back in monster in order to express rabid anti-Americanism.

Press TV: Are Israeli-American Mobsters Buying America’s Government?

Yesterday a window opened, one quickly closing. Major newspapers and news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Reuters and others announced and the billionaire gambling “magnate,” some call him “mob boss” who runs gambling from Las Vegas to China where he is fighting bribery charges, is facing a major criminal investigation.

Press TV: US Used Micro-Nukes in Afghanistan and Iraq Wars

There is evidence that those weapons have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Studies have found uranium 235 to be in the bodies of the population there

Cornell’s David Bromwich: Plagiarist or Academic Fraud?

- VT challenges Cornell to support Bromwich that the quote was accurate, and explain to us why. We will be waiting.

Newsroom Blows It: Bin Laden Story Humiliates America

Tonite, the HBO series Newsroom did a whining and utterly fictional story about the death of Osama bin Laden.

Obama: Pardon Sieglman – Arrest Fuller in Alabama…Political Murder Spree by...

Former Governor Don Siegelman, a practicing Jew, was sentenced to 78 months in prison for what Judge Mark Fuller called bribery.

Ron Paul Stands Against America’s War Machine, for both Syria...

The video below by Texas congressman Ron Paul is clear. He makes his case. America is a nation obsessed. Twice Paul avoids mentioning Israel but we know what he is not allowed to say for his personal safety or the safety of his family. They would be brutally murdered if he spoke what we all saw him allude to. Our obsession with Iran is illegal, it is a war crime, it constitutes an illegal declaration of war through sanctions, which are, as Paul states, an act of war.

Our Enemy the Internet – Intel Operations Galore

Parents have long warned their children about the internet, predators and pornography, but globalist force have made the simple dangers of old seem tame.

AP Cites Israel in Murder of CIA Asset in Syria, Massive...

Were the name a different one, such a document would likely reside along with photographs, informant statements and tape recordings.

2010 – Testing Our Predictions by Today’s Reality

Twenty five months have passed since this piece was written. We republish it today to see how it has weathered?

Intel Drop: Syria and East

Given the chance, I would take everyone writing on Syria, especially those who play at "anti-imperialism" but invariably support police states with cash back to school.

America, the Society of Deception, Hard Evidence of Mass Mind Control

- The message? Many of the things you think happened, never happened...and many that did, you don't remember.

Press TV: Israelo-US war of bluff, baloney on Iran

Add in the nuclear contamination which will be widespread and devastating...the world will never be the same, and we might even get some new Nuremberg style trials and hangings which I dream about so much.

US gov. involved in program to break down the cohesive aspects...

Gordon Duff recently wrote an article called: "Con Job: Mass Shootings and Pattern Recognition."

Press TV: Israel pushing for World War III: Military analyst

"We are watching a plan take shape, one devised in Tel Aviv, making use of ‘assets’ around the world, meant to culminate in orchestrated ‘false-flag’ terror attacks which Israeli influence in the media, vast influence, can use to create an atmosphere enabling an attack on Iran by the United States.”

Con Job: Mass Shootings and Pattern Recognition

There is a "magic software" adapted by the US military and "others" called "Planitir." Long before than, search software called PROMIS had been developed.