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Tag: aipac

Prosthetic’s for Peace. The costs of Land Mines and War.

A friend of mine called and said: We should try to find ways to advance ourselves with our allies and even our perceived enemies by sharing our knowledge of prosthetics.

Israel and the Blame Game

I admit upfront that I know even less than you do (the reader), about the twisted and fragmented history of Israel and it's interactions with Arab and non-Arab neighbors in the middle east.

America and Pakistan – Questions and Answers

Two VT columnists, one from America and one from Pakistan exchanged ideas, concepts and concerns. This posting reflects questions and answers that are important to both of our countries.

Right on! Dylan Ratigan, Get The Money Out Of Politics

Jimmy Williams says "Money is the root of all political evil, and until we get it out of the game..." and he is right.

Facebook Causes and Connections: The Jewish Internet Defense Force and FREE...

A few days before a friend in Tel Aviv alerted me to a story in Haaretz written by Yossi Sarid, my most recent struggles with Face Book began. Sarid wrote, “A week has passed and I'm still wondering who the hell sent those security people to attack the book and me, and what exactly he wanted to achieve. And why now of all times?”

Hundreds Sign Up 4 Veterans Hotline

As my readers already know, I volunteer once a month for the Veterans Hotline. This is a two-hour commitment and I will be "On Station" from 5am to 7am, the third Monday of each month.

Zion’s Zealots: A Book Review and Nailing of Christian Fundamentalism

"It is irresponsible to suggest that God will bless us materially if we support the largely secular State of Israel, especially when this invariably means ignoring the plight of the indigenous Christian population of Palestine."

The Cost of Israel to Americans

The most serious dangers facing Americans today stem from our "special relationship" with Israel. by The Council For The National Interest

Thanksgivings: An Eve, A Commitment And A Turtle

"The formula is simple and it's reduced to four words every kid in the world knows: Tell me a story. It's that easy."-Don Hewitt. What follows are three Thanksgiving stories and every word is true.

Dennis Ross’ Iran Legacy Continues At WINEP

Ross will move to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the think tank created by AIPAC, which because of its loyalty to Israel, is currently pointing all of its rhetorical big guns at Iran. by James M. wall

In Case You Don’t Realise How Dangerous The Israeli Lobby Is

Israeli paper Israel-Ayom reports today about a new ‘Congressional bill’ that would require the “American administration to support Israel in a move deemed necessary to defend itself against the Iranian nuclear threat.”

WMD, Congress, Presidents and “Morals”

President Shimon Peres said that the international community should engage in a “moral” attack on Iran. There are five different House committees considering H.R. 1905, which seeks to impose sanctions on Iran in an attempt to disrupt Tehran's nuclear program. Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA), said, “Critics [of the sanctions] argued that these measures will hurt the Iranian people. Quite frankly, we need to do just that.”

America’s Political Eunuchs.

Presidential and congressional elections are a very busy time for the “surgical units” of the American –Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Israel Deal Gives Them Missle for US Threat

A year and a half ago, I announced on Pakistani television that there was a deal between Israel and India that would provide 10 ICBMs to Israel.

Message to Stephen Colbert, Buddy Roemer and All Presidential Candidates

What follows is the background story of the questions I emailed and hand delivered to Buddy Roemer which have now become an Open Inquiry to All Presidential Candidates.

Boston: Time to Call them “Pigs” Again

The demonstrators who are in the streets across America, the "99%" that really represent the people of the United States, what the Tea Party should have been, are there for us. Against them is the "1%" with their congress, with their unconstitutional laws, with their crooked courts, with their rigged elections and with their police departments whose only real purpose anymore is looking the other way.

Israel To Be Exempt From Foreign Aid Cuts

I am not exactly breaking news when I write of this obscene injustice and point out that it exists because our elected officials put filling their campaign coffers over virtually everything else.

Israeli Government Sponsored Virus Threatens U.S. Global Leadership in Middle East

Government Sponsored Psychosis (GSP) is an old virus that has returned with a vengeance with a new multi-layered and dangerous strain and it's threatening the US and its global standing in the world.

Obama Proves Zionism Rules US and He is NOT on The...

CTJP=Compassion, Truth, Justice, Peace. President Obama's speech today at the UN drew immediate praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his efforts to dissuade Palestinian leaders from pushing for a United Nations vote on statehood, calling Obama’s actions a “badge of honor”.

Rick Perry Gets it Very Wrong About Israel Palestine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been to Israel more than any other presidential candidate and he believes he’s on a mission from God. In his 11 years in office he also wrested much power away from that states Legislature. This citizen of conscience for US House of Representatives has been to Israel seven times since 2005, but I spent my time in occupied Palestine, on my mission from God: seek truth and report it!

Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War

The total destruction of Israel, something used by the Zionist lobby to bilk the US out of billions for years, is no longer a dream, it is inevitable. The only question is "when?" With it a limited world war may emerge with some surprises in store.

Israel At Risk: Fear of Delegitimization Pushes Israeli Terrorism

On the "runup" to 9/11, Israel and their US friends are planning terror scare based on a radiological device.

Come September: The UN, Palestine, Israel, Vanunu and a Syrian Connection

My source in Syria informs me that the Philippine government has now called for all their nationals to leave the country and the British government is gearing up to evacuate all Brits from the costal areas of Syria to Turkey at a days notice. He added, “With September right around the corner I have no doubt that something very bad is brewing and will probably be here before the U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood.”

US Priorities Misplaced— Manipulated By The Israel Lobby

Lobby uses our taxes. The US State Department has awarded a grant to a private interest group, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), to conduct research on anti-Semitism around the world.

Rick Perry, Glenn Beck and Alan Dershowitz: Meshugener or Shmucks?

Mishugener is a Yiddish word meaning insane or crazy. A Schmuck is Yiddish for a self-made fool- but it also refers to male only anatomy.......

Challenging AIPAC’s Abuse of Taxpayers Money

AIPAC is the main culprit in the process of defrauding the American people. The fact is, U.S. citizens have been bankrolling Israel’s system of occupation, racial discrimination and denial of basic human rights to the tune of billions of dollars annually without knowing what they were funding and why. by Omar Barghouti

Hackers, Worms and Israel-USA Collusion Versus Gaza-Palestine

While hard working American tax payers face economic hardships, 81 members of Congress neglected listening to their constituents during this summers recess to take a lobbyist-funded trip designed to pressure them into sending even more tax-payer-funded weapons to the Israeli military which will be used to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians.

The Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Dying Out on the Borderline

“The toppling and the trial of Mubarak has altered scenarios that were already underway and hindered plans for the Middle East that were in the making under the auspices of ardent Zionists in Washington, Cairo and Tel Aviv.”

U.S. Politicians Put Israelis Over Americans

With Americans suffering through an economic depression which will probably surpass the misery of the last Great Depression, U.S. politicians are promising their Israeli string-pullers continued financial support not matter how far down the U.S. economy sinks!

Our Pressure Is Working— Let’s Keep it Up!

Your voice matters and your actions are successfully challenging U.S policy toward Palestine/Israel.

81 House Members Enjoy Hiatus In Israel

So far, the main stream media (MSM) has protected them. Instead of returning immediately to their home districts to answer questions about the US economy, 81 House members are flying to Tel Aviv to demonstrate their loyalty and devotion to a foreign power.

81 Congressmen To Visit Israel in Coming Weeks

Freshmen Congressmen going to Israel as guests of some Israeli educational organization, to be properly educated in American policy and political reality!

Israeli Thugs – Organized Criminals

A thug enters your home, decides to stay, makes you his servants, and locks you up in the worst conditions.

US Knesset Resolution 185 Reconsidered: To be or Not To Be...

This week the United States Senate unanimously adopted a resolution drafted by its masters, the State of Israel and AIPAC

And What About Jewish Anti Gentile Studies?

I’d like to suggest here, that for an academic study of anti Semitism to be scholarly and comprehensive, and if we are to even begin to understand the roots of anti Semitism.

Best Job in Town: Pimping for Gaddafi

While closely aligning himself with Bush, Blair and the Zionist crowd, Gaddafi continued, to quietly develop nerve gas, crop diseases, new forms of anthrax-hemorrhagic fever hybrids and bury a nuclear program so effectively he might not be able to find it himself.

Slave to Israel

There were two stories last week that illustrate just how bad the situation has become in the wake of the virtual capitulation by President Barack Obama during Netanyahu’s triumphal May visit to Washington.

A Walk on the Dark Side of Israel Politics

With his texting bad conduct behind him, Weiner is now free to join the Glenn Beck team. Rod Blogovich let his greed overrule his good judgment. As a result AIPAC has another kept senator at its beck and call.

Jews Zionism and the Stupidity of Bigotry

I'm not against Jews, I'm against the injustice of Zionism - a philosophy which dictates that one group of people are entitled to the land of another by virtue of their religious beliefs alone.

Freedom Flotilla II sets sail for Gaza

The Palestinian message on the ground is clear, but no one’s listening. They won’t accept surrender for peace. They want nothing less than freedom and justice in their own unoccupied land.

Is there an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program?

It seems there are two worlds. The real world of facts and evidence and the unreal world of political fantasy. Our political leaders and their advisers are, apparently, stuck in the unreal one. Their words, and their policies, are built on the assumptions of this fantasy world. They go to war and kill people based on beliefs that are demonstrably false. And the rest of us? Most of us are stuck in our own local niches and beyond them we do not know what is real or unreal. -- Dr. Lawrence Davidson

A Lifelong Pastor Sees Where He Was Wrong

There is a book, available at Amazon.com, written by Glenn L. Hill, a Pastor for most of his active life; this is a book dripping with sincerity, that is truly a vital read in America today.