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Tag: Racism

A Window into the Palestinian/Israeli Tragedy

Dr. Dov Khenin is a current member of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset). In 2008, he ran for mayor of Tel Aviv and received one-third of the vote.

Washington Redskins: Time to Honor our First Nation

The name "REDSKINS" came to us from the 1930s; a time before most all of us were born, a time before civil rights or public awareness about racism and bigotry. In truly was a different time then and it is a different time now. Time to make the change.

Donald Sterling, Cliven Bundy to start “Racist/Jewish State” in rural Nevada

Jewish and goyish racists are making aliyah to rural Nevada - to found a new apartheid state called White Zion.

White Privilege? Them’s Fighting Words!

White Privilege is a provocative term used by the US mainstream media to engender race hatred and retaliation in America’s Black communities.

Major Globalist Anti-American Bronfman Dies as Flat World Slams 20th Century...

World Jewish Congress Leader Dies as Short Sided Exclusive Jaundiced Visions Fail Miserably Under Weight of 21st Century Global Reality

Sweden far-right extremists may be manipulated: Jim W. Dean interview

- Many of these race riot incidents are staged events, either by intelligence services or political operatives looking to grab some headlines.

Everything But Real News

We are dealing here with nothing short of controlled opposition!!!

UK Government’s Devotion to Racist Israeli Regime Continues

A letter from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign recently flopped into my Inbox for forwarding to MPs, urging them to write to the Foreign Office and ask what action was being taken to address the growing humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

UK Government's Devotion to Racist Israeli Regime Continues

A letter from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign recently flopped into my Inbox for forwarding to MPs, urging them to write to the Foreign Office and ask what action was being taken to address the growing humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

Europe’s Imperial Dominion & Subjugation of the Globe

“Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over the last four or five centuries, carving up whole continents while oppressing indigenous peoples and obliterating entire civilizations.

Israeli soccer team re-named “The Fighting Goys”

Israel's racism is so outrageous it's hard to satirize. As Jim Dean says, "you can't make this stuff up."

Israeli soccer team re-named "The Fighting Goys"

Israel's racism is so outrageous it's hard to satirize. As Jim Dean says, "you can't make this stuff up."

Why Alex Jones Bashes Nazis

Anyone paying attention knows that Alex Jones has an obsession with attacking Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. He does so for one reason and...

South Africa’s Racist Policies

Washington DC - Do White people or European decedent people have any future in South Africa we can ask ? According to BBC film the answer is Yes if they could put the embittered past behind them and embrace the country's new realities, but this is far from being the case according to Policy experts.

South Africa's Racist Policies

Washington DC - Do White people or European decedent people have any future in South Africa we can ask ? According to BBC film the answer is Yes if they could put the embittered past behind them and embrace the country's new realities, but this is far from being the case according to Policy experts.

New internet thought police: George Zimmerman’s lawyers

George Zimmerman's lawyers are going to report me to the "proper authorities" for writing this article.

New internet thought police: George Zimmerman's lawyers

George Zimmerman's lawyers are going to report me to the "proper authorities" for writing this article.

European Football Determined to Reward Racism

Given Israel's unsporting record and sheer bloody-minded obstruction towards Palestinians’ efforts to participate in a wide range of sporting activity (some listed below in Elizabeth Morley's email), it is quite outrageous for the British government, brought up on the playing fields of Eton and, one supposes, having had sporting values well and truly beaten into them including the Laws of Cricket, to applaud and reward their racist behaviour.

The Culture War on Confederate Heritage

- We are indebted to the few courageous journalists who have written the truth

Racist Israelis Protest Integration

Beitar Jerusalem soccer team signs two non-jewish players as racist fans protest and make threats.

South Africa – Racial Tensions Exploited, Threaten White Minority

“Mugabe’s focus on the whites and the British because he does not have answers for the problems his own government has created. This is an old political tactic. Hitler singled out the Jews as scapegoats for everything that was wrong in Germany. We know how tragically that ended. In the same manner the focus is presently being placed on white people in South Africa and racism is used in every debate in order to deflect the attention away from the real problems in South Africa,” Dr. Pieter Mulder, the FF Plus leader said in the president’s budget debate in Parliament.

Is Mark Zuckerberg a Holocaust Denier?…Benzi Gopstein Thinks So

-Virulent Anti-Goyim Racism Still Flourishes in Parts of the Jewish Community

Is Zimmerman a Murderer or Will We See "Palestinian Justice?"

Zimmerman supposedly belongs to a local militia group or neighborhood watch. Problem is, nobody has recognized this group, they aren't constables as in Texas, they have no list of membership.

Ali Abunimah and Gilad Atzmon at the OK Corral

Not only have the Zionists colonized Palestine and subjected them to a permanent campaign of genocide, but as anyone who has been paying attention knows, they have colonized the Western democracies, turning them into obedient puppets. Now it appears that they have also colonized the Palestine solidarity movement.

PCN — “Disavowal” of Gilad Atzmon ? The Truth be damned!

Disavowal: “…a mental act that consists in rejecting the reality of a perception.” Atzmon distinguishes among those who follow the Judaic religion; those who regard themselves as a human being who happens to be of Jewish origin; and those who put their Jewishness over and above all other traits.

Why Hate Gilad Atzmon Pt. 2: “He’s WRONG!” (Or Is...

"Don't even go there!" they scream. Atzmon goes there. So they lynch him.

Tribalism, Racism and Projection – Part 1

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ― Anais Nin

The Negro-in-Chief

Many of us patted ourselves on the back for putting qualifications ahead of race and some even went as far as to say that race no longer mattered. If only that were true.

Is Iceland on Israeli radar after Norway?

“Mossad is a master at false-flag terrorist attacks designed to alter perceptions and punish opponents of Israeli policy.

We Have Lost Our Dominant Paradigm!

While letting the Internet drive me the other day, I ran across two very interesting and informative websites, apparently oriented to white race issues without nasty racism. They may be linked at the bottom of this column.

Anti-Semitism Interview with Gilad Atzmon

Part 3 of an interview with Rinaldo Francesca dealing with Anti Semitism, Racism, NO Jewish Conspiracy, Lord Levy, David Aarovitch, Nick Cohen, JAC & self censorship.

Anthony J. Hall: Racism, Cover-Up and Corporate Fraud in the...

The Fukushima nuclear disaster shows every sign of becoming the most serious industrial accident in history. Thus the failure to properly internationalize the response to this catastrophe is mind boggling. One month after 3/11 a corrupt little company in Japan, TEPCO, is still being left in charge of dealing with an emergency that is quite literally poisoning the planet on a scale that we may not have ever seen before.

A Radical Conservative Perspective: America Would be Better Off Without Black...

The most recent example of the GOP engaging in subtle racism is when Mike Huckabee claimed that President Obama viewed the world from the perspective of the Mau Mau. Then when it became clear that he'd crossed the line, he claimed that he misspoke and didn't understand what all the uproar was about. The true attitude that the GOP harbors toward African-Americans is reflected in this exchange that I recently had over the internet:

Further Evidence of Why Blacks Reject the Conservative Movement

[Only] 14% of blacks marry. [Seventy-four percent]74% don't know who their fathers are. Their contribution to the arts is gangsta rap, nasty, foul chattering, that passes as music. [Ninety-six percent] 96% voted for Barack Obama, who is the worst fraud and fake ever to set foot in the US. Per capita, blacks represent 80% of prison population violent crimes segment. Billions have been spent on blacks in the US to mainstream them to no avail.

RE: Why Black Americans Reject the Conservative Movement

Actually, what’s both curious, and insulting, is why conservatives can’t understand the reason that most Black people see the GOP in exactly the same light as the GOP sees Al Qaeda. After all, the people who lynched Black people in the South may have called themselves Dixiecrats, but the bottom line is, they were radical conservatives, and they eventually migrated to the Republican party. So why should Black people hate radical conservatives any less than the GOP hates Al Qaeda - they killed many more Blacks, and for a much longer period of time? The only logical reason that conservatives can’t seem to grasp this very simple concept is that they obviously believe that the lives they took were not of equal value to the lives taken on 9/11.

‘What is a burned house compared to a burned and gassed...

While on tour of duty on Okinawa with USAF in 1952 I almost wound up standing for general courts-martial for having caused "unprovoked" grievous...

Al-Arakib activist hit with 7-month jail sentence for … operating garage...

Commenting on the conviction  of former president Moshe Katsav for rape, the current Israeli President Shimon Peres declared, “There are no two states of Israel, just one...

Haley Barbour Whitewashes GOP Racist History in Neocon Flagship Journal

Who'd have figured that the first major blow to Haley Barbour's 2012 White House hopes would be delivered by ... the Weekly Standard? Bill Kristol's...


FIND OUT WHO IS FINANCING AMERICA'S EXTREMIST "PATRIOTIC REVOLT?" By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor "However, an investigation of site ownership and client lists funding...

Racism Pure and Simple: TNR’s Marty Peretz Says Muslims Unworthy of...

- America Supports a Dangerous, Racist Foriegn Policy with Israel and TNR's Marty Peretz Says 'Great,' Let's Be Racist Here Too - By Jason Linkins in the Huffington...


CANDIDATE FANELLI VIDEO ALL TIME WORST POLITICAL AD IN HISTORY By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Veteran's Today doesn't promote political candidates.  Fanelli, running against Alan...

Tea Party Racism? What Tea Party Racism?

No wonder rightwing extremist Andrew Breitbart is so angry about the outrageous insult to his fellow clansmen. Can't imagine where that "racist" NAACP came up with the crazy idea that there are "elements of racism" in the Tea Party. [Hat-tip Maddow Blog.]