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Yearly Archives: 2012

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – December 15, 2012

A new study published in the journal Neuroepidemiology presents evidence that nerve agents released by the bombing of Iraqi chemical weapons depots just before the ground war began could have carried downwind and fallen on American troops staged in Saudi Arabia.

Why they call him ‘Agent’ Cameron

Britain’s prime minister David Cameron has again shown why he should stand down from British politics.

Gestapo Bar Association & Gun Control


Catapult the counter-narrative!

George W. Bush said his job was to "catapult the propaganda." My job is to catapult the counter-narrative.

School Killings a Very Real “Sign of the Times”

I remember having this discussion several times with my good friend, Dan Brown, a teacher at East Grand Rapids public schools in West Michigan.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – December 14, 2012

VA's Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) has created a new partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture that will extend career readiness services to Veteran job seekers nationwide.

How to Add a ship to the AO Vietnam Presumptive list & Sgt Shaft...

A friend of mine who recently passed from cancer was in Vietnam on the USS Hoel DDG 13. The ship had several missions in Vietnam, but it is not on the VA ships list. His daughter is trying to help get compensation for her mother. Can you help?

POEM: The Empire Claims Its Own

Here's a deep poem written by U.S. Veteran Sherwood Ross

Who really killed the Connecticut children?

Most schoolyard massacres, like other large-scale acts of domestic terrorism, have a much more sinister agenda than the controlled mainstream media is letting on.

Breaking – Israeli foreign minister Lieberman resigns following indictment

- A Twelve Year Investigation Resolved with an Indictment a Month Before Elections

i4DM Joins Hireveterans.com

Join a family of dedicated professionals with a wide range of IT Skills. i4DM is a full-service information technology firm, established in 2002 by founder Michael Peart. The company quickly established a loyal customer base and has been profitable since inception.

Press TV: United States bent on eventual destruction of Russia

The only answer, the only way of pushing the program forward, however, is a nuclear war.

Israeli Regime Receives First Sanction

- Fear of the Israeli Lobby is now ending. Holocaust manipulation will no longer be swallowed. People are refusing to be second class citizens in their own countries

Pakistan’s JF 17, A Jewel in the Sky

The JF-17s left for Zhuhai with a pride, braving some of the harshest climatic conditions en-route. The aircraft flew more than 5500 Kilometers high over the snow-covered mighty and majestic Himalayas, Thunders landed at Zhuhai, China with two refueling stops on the Chinese Bases.

Will antiwar orgs get behind HCR 107 to prevent war on Syria?

Well, it looks like Obama is going to attack Syria with at most token opposition by the national antiwar organizations, as was the case when he "phoned in" the order to bomb the crap out of Libya back on March 19, 2011.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Throwing America’s Greatest Game off Fiscal Cliff

NFL preoccupied with London when the markets say Los Angeles and Mexico

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – December 13, 2012

In early 2010, we launched the VA Innovation Initiative (VAi2) to bring fresh thinking to Departmental challenges. Since then, we have received over 18,000 ideas from our employees and nearly 800 submissions from the private sector and academia--all focused on improving the way in which we deliver care and benefits to Veterans.

Lords of War and the Birth of a Multipolar World

American corporations have to beg for capital from the cash-rich Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Persian Gulf. By invading Iraq, President George W. Bush grossly undermined American credibility in the international arena and irrevocably weakened Washington’s diplomatic clout. Now what?

A Native New Yorker Wins First Prize in Literary Contest in Paris

A native New Yorker wins first prize in a literary contest in Paris.

Netanyahu for Anti-Christ? He’s got my vote!

Why stop at the post of Israeli PM? Netanyahu should run for Anti-Christ!

Why Arabs Fund Jewish Occupation

I can understand if the US and European nations fund the Israeli Occupation.

“Francis A. Boyle— to the Hague” (Dissenting Op-Ed)

“Francis A. Boyle--- to the Hague” --- By James Harrison Co-founder North American Intertribal Missions ---  “The world is a dangerous place; not because of those who would do evil;...

Stop Prologues To War

The original Latin of the expression "if you want peace, prepare for war" comes from "Epitoma Rei Militaris," by Vegetius (Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus).

Mayans Correct: Birth of Sacred and Renewal of Earth Now Happening

The Mayan's were correct, when they predicted the world would end in 2012.

Don’t Kill the Messenger: Looking Back at the Death of Reporter Gary Webb

Robert O'Dowd and Tim King Salem-News.com Gary Webb reported treasonous activities within the US govt relating to the Contra rebels and lost his life in...

More Than 30 Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes

More than 30 top U.S. officials, including presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, are guilty of war crimes or crimes against peace and humanity “legally akin to those perpetrated by the former Nazi regime in Germany,” the distinguished American international law authority Francis Boyle charges.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – December 12, 2012

A local business owner is doing her part to help veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Connie Pacheco is a former nurse and current owner of TootieScrubs on Grand Avenue.

It is Sanction Time for Israel

- The time has come to deal with the Israeli bullies - using their own methods

Press TV: Iran threatened by possible US Air Force mutiny

Recent intelligence sources have revealed that at least one and perhaps as many as three KC 135 Stratotankers have left the United States, traversing the Pacific Ocean, for use in refueling Israeli attack aircraft on missions against Iran.

Chutzpah in Modern Germany

On Jan 2, 2013, a German citizen named Günter (sometimes spelled Guenther) Deckert will once again report to the gates of yet another penitentiary to be disciplined for his incurable devotion to Truth in History.

Revolt! Michigan Wars Against the Corporate Mob

The scene is Lansing, Michigan, where the GOP dominated legislature tries an 11th hour assault on the states workers, small business and middle class.

Fox Hunting Plebes: Union guys beat up Steven Crowder

I am not in any way condoning, endorsing, approving, or sanctioning the deplorable behavior of those ill-natured brutes who engaged in four rounds of fast and furious fisticuffs with Fox News reporter Steven Crowder.

VA Secretary Makes Progress for Homeless Veterans

  The Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs says the country remains on track to end homelessness among military veterans in 2015. He and...

Netanyahu Blowout: Obama and Hamas Gassing Jews! (Video)

The video below shows the people of Gaza building gas chambers and crematoriums to murder all of Israel:

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – December 10, 2012

The Career Center helps Servicemembers in transition and Veterans with opportunities to translate their military skills into careers, create and post resumes, obtain free copies of their DD 214 (Report of Separation), and search for jobs.

Will Palestinians Ever ‘Seize Their Destiny’

Some commentators have been saying that Israel's latest land-grab has effectively killed off the two-state solution (if such a thing was ever truly feasible).

Report Reveals Further Reduction in Veterans Homelessness

The Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced that a new national report shows that homelessness among Veterans has been reduced by approximately 7 percent between January 2011 and January 2012.

Washington Supporting Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (Video)

Geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl says Washington is secretly supporting Muslim Brotherhood to turn Egypt into an Islamic dictatorship.

Scoop! Bibi’s letter to Khaled Meshal

Hey readers, I’ve got a scoop. It’s the text of a letter - don’t ask me how I got it - from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hamas leader Meshal.

CARTES 2012 Security, Payment, Identification and Mobility

Cartes Smart Solutions for Security, Payment, Identification and Mobility

Democratic Socialists vs. America First Populists

How many times do you have to hear that going off the financial cliff is a failure of controlling spending as opposed to a lack of revenue? Systemic deficits exist because government is too big, not because taxpayers are not paying their fair share.

Do Jews Want Peace!

As Israeli Jews and Jews around the world celebrate Chanukah, which is an eight day commemoration of the rededication of the Second Temple when the Maccabeans revolted against their Greek rulers, perhaps it is also time for Israeli Jews and Jews around the world to use this occasion to rethink their position on peace for Israel and peace between Arabs and Jews.