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Yearly Archives: 2012

Obama: Defense Strategy Will Maintain U.S. Military Pre-eminence

President Barack Obama today announced a defense strategy he said will allow the military to defend the United States and its national interests while cutting military spending in a responsible, balanced manner.

New Online Group for Out of Work Veterans

I was sent an email by a veteran who had lost his job last summer, and has been searching hard for a place to find work.

U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Jan. 04, 2012

DRS Systems, Inc., Parsippany, N.J., was awarded a five-year indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with firm-fixed-price delivery orders for the purchase of Spot on Target in support of U.S. Special Operations Command Procurement Division.

DemocraticUnderground.com, Censorship, Google Alerts and Carpe Diem

This morning's email included a Google Alert for "eileen fleming" which led to another lame attack by The Democratic Underground and another opportunity to expose Zionism on the WWW.

How Do We Help The Homeless Veterans Without Becoming “Enablers”?

The numbers are startling. The VA estimates that 107,000veterans are homeless on any given night. Approximately twice that many will experience homelessness in the course of a year's time.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 04, 2012

VA will host its first Veteran Career Fair and Expo on Jan. 18 in Washington, DC. The free event is for Veterans and will provide information on education, benefits, jobs, health care, and small business opportunities.

To Better Connect With Vets, All VA Medical Centers Now On Facebook

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced that all of its 152 medical centers are now on Facebook.

Michigan Vets Missing Out On Benefits Earned

About 8,000 service members are expected to return to Michigan in coming months from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and state officials say Michigan needs to do more to make sure they receive all the federal benefits they are owed.

Vietnam Vets Exposed To Agent Orange Need Public Support To Gain Health Benefits

The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association (www.bluewaternavy.org) is seeking the public’s help.

US-Engineered Sanctions: No Coup De Grace For Iran

Will Washington dispense with a new round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran? Or will the warmongers in the White House march for war against the country?

The Revolution Begins in 2012 – Occupy All States

A revolution that turns over the establishment's apple cart, challenges this corrupt system and brings back our democracy.

Observers court controversy in Syria

Arab League team's sluggish movement and the contentious remarks of head of the mission have fueled skepticism

The Zionist Caricature

Well, Dershowitz must know quite a bit about shame - He sure brings a lot of it on himself and on every Jew and Zionist foolish enough to associate with him and his message.

Europe: The Liars Club, Who Really Owes the Money

You have been hearing Europe is broke but what you have heard has been filtered through newspapers and TV stations owned by "certain groups" paid to lie to you.

Voluntary Ignorance

An old cliché states that ignorance is bliss. If this were really true, the US would be a very happy country.

Disaster Capitalism, the NRO, and Hurricane Katrina

While Rumsfeld and Myers were running America's wars in Afganistan and Iraq, though, the Air Force Secretary James Roche and National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Director Peter Teets had carried it further afield to the "axis of evil" with disasters in Iran and North Korea, caused by its satellite lasers.

Sons of the Fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan

I seldom get moved about a movie, or a cause, beyond the confines of my own home, where I take time for my own kids every day, day after day, week after week.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 03, 2012

A joint US-South Korean investigation team announced that it discovered no evidence of Agent Orange during its probe into claims that the toxic defoliant was buried on Camp Carroll.

Threats of Lawsuits and Remembering Nakba

On the second day of 2012, I received my second threat of a legal action in an email with a letter attachment “regarding a libelous publication on wearewideawake.org” from a law firm in Tel Aviv.

Two Thirds of U.S. Foreign Aid is Really Military Aid

Call it the Pentagon-zation of U.S. foreign assistance.

The Stealth Zionist War on Ron Paul

I’m sorry, but when a New York City detective calls me and tells me that they arrested the 9/11 terrorists but had to put them on a plane to fly to Israel afterward..

2012 – Darkness and Bottom Up Change We Can Believe In

The time for the truth and transparency is now as we creep into 2012 darkness and the immediate start of the Presidential primaries. In that regard, a vote for Ron Paul in the primaries is a vote against the establishment and the special interest groups that have hijacked our Republic as well as both parties.

Palestinian Spring, When?

One would think that out of all the countries and people, albeit “invented” in the Middle East, the Palestinians would be leading the way to a full Arab Spring, Fall, Summer and Winter until the armed and colonial Jewish Occupation comes to an end. Surprisingly, this has not been the case.

Lucifer’s Pincers; Zionism and Humanitarianism

Ah, political correctness! Turning the merely stupid into outright morons and poisoning life for us all. I don't know where that came from but I agree with it.

Charity? You kidding me?

The season of giving has come and gone, and like a lot of you, I walked by the bell ringers of the Salvation Army every day during my shopping and the requests for my charity dollars came pouring in from the United Way, the American Red Cross and even UNICEF.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 02, 2012

Nearly a decade of wars has taken a grueling toll on the families of thousands of dead warriors, including 20 from Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties.

How Are Pro-Israel Funders Factoring Into The GOP Primary?

Several recent exposes reveal how Gingrich has skirted campaign finance rules to raise millions of dollars in unlimited donations from billionaire backers and big industry, with his ability to attract capital showing signs of abiding.

Lessons in American History: Scapegoating

In the real world, people change religion. Most of my Jewish friends are married to Christian women and raise their kids as either Atheists or Christians. They tell me they find "Jewish culture and religion" stifling and inane. To that I usually answer, "American culture is different?"

Caring for Our Homecoming Troops…What’s Next?

With a government that can't seem to get its act together this is a scary situation, particularly when just in the last five years the number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds, and yet they seek budget cuts in the VA system.

Ask Your Senators to Support S.1629 Agent Orange Equity Act of 2011

I strongly urge you to co-sponsor and support S 1629, the Agent Orange Equity Act of 2011, introduced by Sen Gillibrand.

The Iowa Caucus: a Ron Paul Win or a GOP Heist?

A caucus selection process is a much fairer method than party controlled primaries. That is why the GOP establishment fears the voice of the public. A caucus that could actually influence or determine a nomination must be stopped.

Iraq: Legacy of Deception and Its Costs

Most Americans are astonished to discover that right up to 9/11, the CIA was developing a "Real Politik" vision of Iraq that recognized the fast approaching collapse of U.N. Sanctions.

Senate Declares US Bestial Military Dictatorship

I do not wish to be indefinitely detained by people who have sex with pigs, monkeys, monitor lizards, giant cockroaches, or other animals.

MADE IN USA Messages and Obama’s Spine

President Obama “intends to hammer the theme of economic justice for ordinary Americans rather than continue his legislative battles with Congressional Republicans. In terms of the president’s relationship with Congress in 2012, the president is no longer tied to Washington, D.C.”

Linking 9/11 Truth to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

I appeared on this week's edition of the Press TV show Remember Palestine. I used the platform that Press TV graciously provided me with to argue that those of us who want to bring an end to the Israel-Palestine conflict ought to capitalize on the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11 rather than neglect the subject because it is deemed by some to be "controversial".

Obama Signs Defense Spending Bill Despite Reservations

President Barack Obama signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act today, while acknowledging "serious reservations" about parts of the act, particularly provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.

2012 Job Market Update

All indicators point towards a slow and steady growth for 2012. Market recovery has been inching up since mid-2009 and it will continue moving forward over the next 12 months.

Sunday Morning: Gossip and Intel and Welcome 2012

All we hear all day long is one side telling us to bomb Iran while the other side tells us that there is no proof whatsoever they have any weapons program.

Housing Market 2012

If you're like most first-time home buyers, you've probably listened to friends', family's and coworkers' advice, many of whom are encouraging you to buy a home. However, you may still wonder if buying a home is the right thing to do. Relax. Having reservations is normal. The more you know about why you should buy a home, the less scary the entire process will appear to you.

Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators

The message for every Palestinian solidarity person is pretty clear-Beware!

Raid on Egypt NGOs: The Old Regime is Back in Business

“The Foreign agenda” …whenever you hear of it, be sure that the people in power are in trouble.

2011 : The year that changed the world

The eventful 2011 did not just change contours of Middle East, it leaves behind a world transformed. What an extraordinary, truly game-changing year has it been! Who would have imagined this time last year that hope would break out of the darkness of a dying year? by Aijaz Zaka Syed.