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From Wall Street to D.C. and Change to Believe In and...

On Sept. 17th hundreds of protestors took it to the streets at Bowling Green Park in Manhattan, home of the charging bull in New York’s Financial District, to “take the bull by the horns.” On 22 September 2011, US House of Representative Edward J. Markey took the Nuclear Bull by it's horns and wrote......

The Third Rail and Forcing Obama to Earn his Nobel

Today at the United Nations President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas formally requested full United Nations membership and stated, "I don’t believe anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for full admission in the United Nations." Citizens of conscience can help force President Obama to earn his Nobel Peace Prize...

Obama Proves Zionism Rules US and He is NOT on The...

CTJP=Compassion, Truth, Justice, Peace. President Obama's speech today at the UN drew immediate praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his efforts to dissuade Palestinian leaders from pushing for a United Nations vote on statehood, calling Obama’s actions a “badge of honor”.

American Century Officially Ends with Zionist Knife in Back

Zionist support costs U.S.A. place at head of 21st century global table

TO D.C. FROM: Iran, New York and Florida

The first two reports come out of Iran and I play clean up from Florida.

Et tu, Obama?

Et tu, Brute? After all, in your Cairo speech you promised a new dawn for the Muslim world, you promised a new America to the Arab world,How is it that the supposedly new America is continuing to sing the same old songs from its evil past??

Obama, the Palestinian State & Zionist Schizophrenia

The Palestinian President Abbas is the only person who can save our world’s ‘single super power’ from a diplomatic fiasco....

Rick Perry Gets it Very Wrong About Israel Palestine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been to Israel more than any other presidential candidate and he believes he’s on a mission from God. In his 11 years in office he also wrested much power away from that states Legislature. This citizen of conscience for US House of Representatives has been to Israel seven times since 2005, but I spent my time in occupied Palestine, on my mission from God: seek truth and report it!

Carter: What Obama Needs To Do Now

When candidate Jimmy Carter ran for the presidency in 1976, it was the age of zero-dollar politics. He and President Gerald Ford, the Republican, raised zero money, none at all, in their contest against each other. What money they had came from public financing, with a $2 checkoff on the annual income tax return.

Jesus Christ, PIA’s and Nuclear Resistance

Today, the third of The Y-12 Thirteen were sentenced. They were arrested on 5 July 2010 after crossing through the thin strands of barbed wire at the Y-12 Oak Ridge.

Obama Reads Book Written by Muslim Therefore…..

Yesterday, an acquaintance sent me a photo of President Obama holding a book by Fareed Zakaria titled "The Post-American World". The inference was that the book was written by a Muslim and therefore Obama is following a muslim and taking the USA into islam or whatever non-cents they want to believe.

Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11

I am a Citizen of CONSCIENCE for House of Representatives 2012 and if elected my second act of congress will be to call for a new investigation into the events of that day we call 9/11.

Turkish Premier to Refer Legality of Israel’s Gaza Blockade to The...

Turkish premier reiterates Ankara's intent to refer legality of Israel's blockade on Gaza to The Hague, saying the world will see 'who is standing alongside the victims'.

Egyptians Break Down Wall Around Israeli Embassy

"A security wall erected around the Israeli embassy, a strong reminder of the West Bank barrier, was totally unacceptable in Cairo."

Play the Barack BS Bingo game

Hate boring political speeches? Spice them up by playing BS Bingo! Missed Obama's Sep. 8th jobs speech? Be ready next time!

Robert Gates Says Israel Is Ungrateful Ally

That display of impudence left the president and his team feeling unusually angry. Shortly afterward, Obama’s chief of staff, William Daley, called the Israeli ambassador in Washington, Michael Oren, to communicate the displeasure of the White House in a reportedly heated way. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who watched her husband battle Netanyahu in the late 1990s, also expressed anger and frustration about the prime minister within the administration


The Council for the National Interest/CNI seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values, protects our national interests, and contributes to a just solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Today Vanunu uploaded his important interview with CNI/ to his Youtube channel.

We Are All Neo-Cons Now

“the Bush-Obama agenda marches on.”

Obama Widening War in Somalia

Led by the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) the U.S. is stepping up its war in Somalia, The Nation magazine reports.

Come September: The UN, Palestine, Israel, Vanunu and a Syrian Connection

My source in Syria informs me that the Philippine government has now called for all their nationals to leave the country and the British government is gearing up to evacuate all Brits from the costal areas of Syria to Turkey at a days notice. He added, “With September right around the corner I have no doubt that something very bad is brewing and will probably be here before the U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood.”

Hackers, Worms and Israel-USA Collusion Versus Gaza-Palestine

While hard working American tax payers face economic hardships, 81 members of Congress neglected listening to their constituents during this summers recess to take a lobbyist-funded trip designed to pressure them into sending even more tax-payer-funded weapons to the Israeli military which will be used to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians.

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – August 06, 2011

President Obama "outlined new steps Friday to combat the high rate of unemployment among the '9/11 generation' of veterans, proposing tax credits for companies that hire returning service members and the creation of 'reverse boot camps' to train veterans for civilian jobs." Speaking at the Washington Navy Yard, he "challenged the private sector to hire 100,000 unemployed post-9/11 veterans or their spouses by 2013.

Obama Announces Veteran Workforce Initiatives

President Barack Obama today announced a series of administration initiatives to help military veterans find jobs.

Will The Real President Obama Please, Please Stand Up?

Many of my fellow Obama supporters contend that the president can only do so much, which is absolutely true. But what he can do is use the bully pulpit of the presidency to educate the people, which he’s failing miserably at. The entire GOP agenda is based on flat-out lies, the blatant corruption of facts, and a deviation from reality that’s so severe that even a child could see it if someone would just take the time to explain it. So why isn’t Obama doing that?

Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis

The Republicans started a fire and then threw gasoline on it, creating an inferno that could burn up the US social safety net or the US Treasury’s credit rating and the US dollar’s role as reserve currency or what remains of the separation of powers.

Commentary: Impeach Obama Now

It's time to impeach President Obama and urge candidates who stand for peace to run in the upcoming presidential primaries.

Nuclear Weapons and Hypocrites in High Places

Nuclear Ambiguity is an Israeli-American policy for without the West's agreement, there would be no ambiguity. Israel and the United States have also worked in collaboration in targeting Iran, but Washington is eager for ‘plausible deniability.’ There’s no denying the hypocrisy in high places.

30 Days to a FREE Vanunu!

On Thursday in Tel Aviv, the High Court judges ruled that Mordechai Vanunu's petition must be answered within 30 days that he wrote over two months ago requesting the revoking of his Israeli citizenship citing the Citizenship Revocation Law passed in March that enables the courts to revoke the citizenship of those convicted of crimes against the state...

Only Mass Arrests Can Shut Down “Government By Corporate Dictatorship”

With Social Security and Medicare gone, all but the wealthiest Americans will die in utter poverty. Most of America's private pension plans and insurance companies are insolvent.

The Floundering “Ship of State”

Americans can be allowed to hate. We do it anyway. Back in the school yard, we settled our differences with our fists. In the process, we built a way of life, free of psychologists and "conflict resolution" or "anger management' classes.

Failures of Intelligence

This citizen of conscience for U.S. House of Representatives 2012 asserts that America’s ugly side is rooted in failures of intelligence, heretical Christianity and a lack of true patriotism, for "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official." -Theodore Roosevelt

It’s Always About The Money So On With This REVOLUTION!

As the August 2nd deadline fast approaches to raise the government-borrowing limit, President Obama called on Congress two days before this Independence Day to make a deal and announced, “Nothing can be off-limits. We've got to cut the deficit.”

Obama’s Troops Withdrawing: Replaced by Allies

President Obama alleges “the tide of war is receding” in Pakistan, thus allowing him to reduce U.S. forces there by 10,000 this year, but the fact is overall Allied strength has been rising, not falling.

Impact on Pakistan: Withdrawal of US Forces from Afghanistan

What is obvious, is, with the US elections round the corner, it is a cotton candy being held out to the people of America, having come into power in the flush of promise to “bring the boys home”. A promise that Obama failed to fulfill. Further, the exorbitant costs of foreign wars at the expense of the Americans has become difficult to justify. A lot of ink has been wasted on cotton candy, I am sure more will!

A Zionist’s Response to “What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?”

I recently posted an article entitled “President Obama: What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?” In response I received several comments from a gentlemen who posts under the name of Tim 2. His comments were so reflective of the typical Zionist reaction to this debate that I thought it would be enlightening to present it as an article under its own name.

Israelis Say to Obama “Yes We Ken”

“The amazing moments in the march came when protesters chanted: “Israel and Palestine, two states for two peoples”; “Yes we ‘ken’” (the Hebrew word for “yes”); and “Bibi and Barak, peace isn’t a game”

Afghanistan: Time to Pack Our Bags

President Obama is now exploring avenues for a faster withdrawal from Afghanistan. American is flat broke, busted and our allies in Afghanistan have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt. that they are far worse than our enemies.

Saturday Morning – Duff Back from Nigeria

For those of you who are regular readers, my absence has been noted, some with consternation, others with relief. Most of this time has been spent in Nigeria, attending the inauguration of President Goodluck Jonathan and conferring with members of his government.

The American Misreading of Iran

It is clear that the United States and its Western European allies were caught completely unprepared for the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Bahrain, as well as the upheavals throughout the Arab world.

Obama Leads Americans in Observing Memorial Day

The lessons of Memorial Day can be summed up in a few words, President Barack Obama said here today: "Brotherhood. Sacrifice. Love of country"

Obama is the Wrong Target

Some members of Congress who applauded Netanyahu in a scene that reminded me of the enthusiasm for Hitler at Nazi rallies accused Obama of betraying Israel.

A Warning From The Past

The answer to AIPAC is not another J-Street lobby attempting to buy the very few remaining unaffiliated American politicians.

The ‘hands off international politics’ should be immediate Jewish call to their relentless lobbies but that's not going to happen.