Tag: romney
Bibi Bombs with Romney – Uri Avnery
- Are the Israelis Ready to Put the Romney Kabosh on Netanyahu?
VT Hacked Over Romney’s Lifting of Cuba Embargo
Since 1999, a team of FBI and intelligence agents from Mexico have traced Mitt Romney and his mistress, Maria, Perez Andropov, a Cuban/Russian intelligence agent.
Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)
- FBI, CIA and Foreign Intelligence Agencies Leak Romney Files - When no US Attorney agreed to prosecute, the files and this information were leaked.
Presidential Debate
The coming U.S. elections have monopolized the attention of the American mainstream media and voters.
Who is the real Romney and was Obama’s mind somewhere else?
Less than ten minutes into the first presidential debate I put my gut feelings into words on my notepad.
America’s Singular Path, Life After Israel
- I would not trade the life of every general in the Pentagon for the life of a single child
Friday September 28, 2012, What We are Not Told
- Frankly, more than a few members of America's congress are terrified their cut from the Afghan heroin trade would end if the killing stopped.
Sunday, September 23, 2012, False Flag Romney (CENSORED VIDEO)
olid intelligence reports indicate that terror cells within the US are planning a major attack on multiple public targets as "October Surprise 2," a followup to the killing of the American ambassador to Libya.
Findings: “Precision” Consulate Attack Coordinated with Jones Telethon/Film
Intelligence sources in Libya reported that foreign "assault teams" had arrived in Libya in advance of the unrest due to the Terry Jones telethon which included a short but insulting film clip involving the Prophet Mohamed. Terry Jones, reputed former CIA/Gladio recruiter, ran this 13 minute clip as part of a telethon made up of far worse material, a telethon broadcast wordwide at great cost to his 25 member church.
Uri Avnery on Romnyahu
- Uri Avnery - I would hate for an ignoramus to be given the opportunity to learn world affairs on our backs
Romney’s “Mormon” Draft Deferment Not Legal
Wikipedia gives Romney's history, showing him to have dropped out of college at 19 and, instead of going to Vietnam as most Americans.
Sunday Morning, September 9th, 2012
If we have news this week, it involves Russia. Putin drives me crazy. He is hard to understand, one week, he is surrounded by Israeli oligarchs, doing the full "Obama" and the next week, his backbone and sanity has returned.
Misplaced Hate From The Left
This past week has come and gone and what a week it was following on the heels of the Republican National Convention.
US Navy Warned of Attack by Israel
It was 1967 when Israeli planes bombed and strafed the USS Liberty for hours, machine-gunning life rafts, peppering the 20 foot "stars and stripes" with machine gun holes, napalming, torpedoes,
Republicans Push For Pleasantville While We Da People Fry on their...
Romney and the GOP have us stuck in Pleasantville while the future beckons and we are unprepared to deal with reality.
Mitt Romney’s Father Was A Mexican Citizen When Mitt Was Born.
Mitt Romney’s Father Was A Mexican Citizen When Mitt Was Born.
Is Mitt Romney a “natural born citizen”?
It is absolutely clear that Mitt Romney is...
Press TV: Americans Tiring of Netanyahu’s Clownish Threats
Americans Tiring of Netanyahu’s Clownish Threats
By Press TV and Gordon Duff
We have one thing in our news every day now, secret plans Israel leaks...
Press TV: The Romney Conundrum, Loved in Israel and Hated by...
Romney’s has to enormous problems, he is drowning in Jewish money, legal donations from Las Vegas gambling “magnate,” Sheldon Adelson, a man who has spent years ducking criminal charges and the Koch Brothers, suspected of orchestrating fuel and food shortages which, during an election year, he hopes will drive voters to suicide.
“Special Ops” Anti-Obama Group Liars and “Blowhards”
- What surprised me this year is that senior Special Forces, many of whom live in the Southwest, now say they are voting Obama.
Foreign Cash Disqualifies Romney from Presidential Bid
No other American presidential candidate has ever left the US to garner campaign contributions from foreign citizens.
The Palestine Romney Doesn’t Know
I am a proud American. I am a hardworking businessman and job creator. I am a faithful Christian.
And I am Palestinian.
Does the “NATO Free” Libyan Goverment Overshadow America
During the entire struggle for independence, hundreds of "independent journalists," some paid up to $15,000 per day by Colonel Gaddafi, others working for the Washington-Israeli axis, publishing wild stories about heroic Libyan freedom fighters filled the internet.
Their stories, in the thousands, discredited themselves and proved that the "independent media" was unaccountable to fact, Islamophobic, greedy and willing to back in monster in order to express rabid anti-Americanism.
And The Winner Is Israel
This year US presidential election is perhaps the most expensive in history with the least issues concerning America and Americans with the American/Israeli Jewish businessman Sheldon Edelson calling the shots and shaping the election.
Saturday, August 4, 2012 – Intel and Rumors (updated)
There are thousands of foreign agents, world class criminals and very real terrorists running around as public figures in the United States.
Romney Disses 70 Million U.S. Voters in Favor of Super Minority
U.S. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney demonstrated that he is willing to ignore 70 million U.S. Voters in favor a small minority who support a country that has virtually no economic or social value for the USA and it's peoples.
Press TV: Israelo-US war of bluff, baloney on Iran
Add in the nuclear contamination which will be widespread and devastating...the world will never be the same, and we might even get some new Nuremberg style trials and hangings which I dream about so much.
FACT CHECK: Romney Ignores Other Budget Players
As he blames the president for the prospect of large cuts in defense spending next year, Republican Mitt Romney is ignoring the role that Congress and members of his own party played in setting up that possibility.
Romney-Bain Linked to Organized Crime in UK
Maxwell, the late owner of Mirror Newspapers, invested $2 million in Mr Romney's first private equity fund, which launched the controversial career in finance that the Republican presidential challenger now cites as proof of his ability to lead the US to prosperity.
Facts and Suspicions – Middle East Intel Drop
"The usual suspects" who see NATO plots everywhere, usually quoting France's leadership of NATO as key to their crackpot theories, France having left NATO in 1959, know nothing about Syria.
Arizona’s Supreme Court Victory a Rattlesnake in Disguise
Arizona believes it won a victory in the supreme court.
Video: What Role does AIPAC Play in US Elections?
For all those bidding to become the next US president, it has become an essential campaign stop.
Fearless Leader Speaks – Reader Driven News
We just quit the war in Afghanistan with no notice at all.
The GOP Frontrunner Nobody Likes
I think a lot of voters are holding their noses and voting for the least objectionable and perhaps the most electable candidate in the general election.
Stranglehold Afghanistan: How Politics and Lies Is Destroying an Army
American troops in Afghanistan are running out of fuel and food as Christmas approaches. The war rages on as it has for a decade and America is losing, nothing new there.
America is UNDER ATTACK! Welcome to the 21st Century American...
America is UNDER ATTACK! This coming presidential election a few good men will war up on the broken political battlefield while the Occupy first responders throw the first stone at them. Will America emerge from this great 21st century war a democracy or we this time, this age, be declared the end of an era?
Gaddafi's Goons: The Phony Libya Peace Lobby
When the same crowd, the "neocon/chickenhawks" keeping America's younger generation on their opium babysitting mission in Afghanistan for a decade, maybe two, began shedding tears for Colonel Gaddafi, the cat was out of the bag.