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Why Wall Street Hates Obama

One person was elected and another took office, or so it seems. How do you know? The news tells you, news we all know is controlled by Wall Street Corporations or worse, the Murdoch empire.

We Wore Combat Boots, Too

When I walked into the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center for the first time six years ago, it was hard to tell I belonged as a female combat Veteran.

Russian Expert: Bin Laden Death Doubts Continue

"It took Obama two years to find his own birth certificate, how long will it take to find Usama bin Laden's death certificiate?"

Implications of Indo-Afghan Strategic Accord

In the aftermath of 9/11 when George W. Bush junior’s administration decided to invade Afghanistan to get hold of Osama bin Laden, the alleged master mind behind the terrorist attacks, and his protectors, Indian leaders saw it an opportunity of the century to destroy their arch rival Pakistan once and for all.

Boston: Time to Call them “Pigs” Again

The demonstrators who are in the streets across America, the "99%" that really represent the people of the United States, what the Tea Party should have been, are there for us. Against them is the "1%" with their congress, with their unconstitutional laws, with their crooked courts, with their rigged elections and with their police departments whose only real purpose anymore is looking the other way.

OCW: Targeted, But Who Is The Enemy?

We have recognized the enemy of humanity. For 60 years we fought communism and woke up in a nightmare, slaves in our own country. Now it is America building the gulags, millions in prison, half of America facing poverty, hundreds of thousands sent off to endless wars. Even Orwell never imagined this.

Haqqani Network has Become Achilles Heel of USA

Civil war in Afghanistan is raging since 1976. It saw relative calm and stability during brief spell of Taliban rule, but peace was snatched away by USA and the country was again pushed into the inferno.

A Note to Petraeus

As you look through the staff and contributor list at VT, you will see the CIA's "rogues gallery." I think you already know the names you see and many you know are behind them are also "rogues" out of loyalty and honesty when such things had become "unpopular."

The Complexity of Newsgathering in Afghanistan

The local communication is characterised by restricted media culture which involves ethnic and sectarian ideologies.

Was the “War on Terror” Really a Cover For a New...

American criminals are now, not only above the law, they constitute our government itself.

October Notes: A Few Painful Disclosures

A flood of quality "intel" comes through VT. I will try to put out a mix of what is going around this week, certainly not out of the alternative press or as Kevin Barrett and I are beginning to look on it, "the controlled alternative press."

Former Afghan President Rabani was killed on Tuesday

Former Afghan president Borhan el-Deen Rabani was killed Tuesday after an attack targeted his house in Kabul, Afghan officials said.

Murder and Torture: The Lasting Legacy of America

So many Americans still think torture, murder, gang rape of children is "fair and balanced" as a way of, of what? Waging war? Afghanistan is a war? Oh come now. Its an occupation, no more.

India Wishes to Strike Pakistan Before US Exits from Afghanistan

Whereas Pakistan is the next door neighbor of landlocked Afghanistan, which is dependent upon Pakistan land routes and Karachi port for its imports and exports, Pakistan has never tried to exploit its vulnerability or to blackmail it.

Chatter: Obama Sought Arrest of Bush and Cheney for 9/11...

With GOP/Pentagon/CIA rogue muscle to rent, the insurance and pharmaceutical industry, "clean coal" and nuclear power could suddely order "hits" like on the Sopranos, could and, were we to look more carefully, do.

Afghanistan: Who Can Lead Kandahar?

Kandahar, a conservative and sacred Pashtun heartland, the epicenter of complex Afghan tribal politics where Prophet Muhammad's cloak has resided for over half a millennium.

Mainstream Media, the Anti-War Hypocrites

Some question the lack of leftist anti-war activism seeking to end America's perpetual wars. They are right to ask why those activists are MIA now that Obama is leading the war charge. It's simple, really. They are mostly partisan hypocrites.

They Died in Vain – Deal With It

“If they ask you why we died, tell them because our fathers lied.” The Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) can be expected to beat a steady drumbeat of “they shall not have died in vain. But they did. I know it is a hard truth, but they did die in vain.

The US Objectives Set For Pakistan

Although the US has failed to win war in Afghanistan, it has succeeded in achieving most objectives it had chalked out in September 2001 against Pakistan through covert war.

SEAL Team Six Story Unfolding

I have been told that a MINIMUM of three helos would normally be used for a group of that size.

Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda?

The supposed Al Qaeda’s top leadership was declared by our government to be Osama Bin Laden, aka Al Qaeda Commander in Chief; a sickly old man who was hooked to a dialysis machine; who supposedly lived and hid in caves, and later, in a mud house located in a remote third world village with chickens and goats. A man who sustained himself and his family by periodically selling his wives jewelry or bartering milk from his goats for occasional lamb chops. All this according to our own government; coming out in bits and pieces, and of course, sometimes in a totally contradictory fashion.

Censorship Of War Casualties In The US

All of America's children should share the risk of being placed in harm's way. The reason is that so few families have a stake in the war which is being fought by other people's children," Rangel said in March 2011.

Face of Defense: Marine Reaches Out to Afghan Women

More than 6,500 miles from the Pacific Northwest, the arid heat of southern Afghanistan is almost the complete opposite of the damp, cool weather of Monroe, Wash.

Post 9/11 Macavity

In India Former Maharashtra Inspector General of Police S M Mushrif wrote in “Who Killed Karkare-The Real Face of Terrorism in India” that all the reports that were available to him suggest that the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) was aware of the attack at least five days in advance.

Bullying and Intimidating Tactics of USA

After achieving its initial objective of occupying Afghanistan and making it a base of operations for its covert war in the region, CIA hastened to establish its network in FATA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan since Pakistan figured high in America’s agenda.

Letter From a Marine

I’ve known this Marine since he was in grade school. He’s married now, father of a young boy, deployed with the Marines in Afghanistan, his unit or the place of deployment in-country are not disclosed for obvious reasons.

FLASHBACK: Remembering Aafia Siddiqui in 2011

Justice is a delicacy best served cold, preferably in cold blood, in full service to the Hectoring Hegemons!

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

Dr. Alan Sabrosky calls it "high treason." Alan, I call him that, a fellow editor, fellow Marine and good friend, does what few do when discussing issues of such extreme controversy. Alan sticks to the facts, takes the facts to logical conclusions and stops there. Any American of any political leaning or ethnicity can and should, out of patriotism and out of sanity, watch this interview.

Guardian: Bush Torture Prosecution Recommended

US authorities were legally obliged to investigate the top echelons of the Bush administration over crimes such as torture, abduction and other mistreatment of prisoners.

Vietnam Ain’t Over

I remember real combat. First times out, paralyzing fear. After that, you just don't care anymore. After that, you are dead inside, a "dead" that never goes away. Real combat vets call the look that comes with that "the thousand yard stare." I can kill someone as easy as looking at them. We all can but we work to convince people otherwise. We all became actors.

‘US needs A Declaration of Independence – from Israel’

“In light of this long — but still very partial — list of abuses and usurpations committed by Israel, it is past time for the US to end its ‘special relationship’ with Israel and declare its independence from that country,” — by Henry Nor

Common Sense on Afghanistan: Raja Mujtaba Talks on the War

The US blames Pakistan for not doing enough it simply sounds ridiculous and insulting. Pakistan has suffered much more casualties in human lives and virtually a complete collapse of economy due to this war.

Face of Defense: Scientist Serves in Afghanistan

Every Marine has a story. For one reservist serving in Afghanistan's Helmand province, the story is of a rocket scientist who answered the call to serve his country as a third-generation Marine.

OH LOVELY: Residents Near Fukushima Are Pissing Radioactive Urine

"... Whatever, praying to the goddess Morphine and adult diapers are your destiny now. "“Newsflash: The radioactive crisis near Fukushima isn’t getting any better.

Afghanistan: An American Rape

Washington rules America, it doesn't govern. In fact, there is increasing evidence that it does neither. Had an alien race taken over and chosen the most cowardly and reprehensible to rule, to exploit and enslave in their name, the end result would likely resemble what we have today.

Obama’s Troops Withdrawing: Replaced by Allies

President Obama alleges “the tide of war is receding” in Pakistan, thus allowing him to reduce U.S. forces there by 10,000 this year, but the fact is overall Allied strength has been rising, not falling.

Impact on Pakistan: Withdrawal of US Forces from Afghanistan

What is obvious, is, with the US elections round the corner, it is a cotton candy being held out to the people of America, having come into power in the flush of promise to “bring the boys home”. A promise that Obama failed to fulfill. Further, the exorbitant costs of foreign wars at the expense of the Americans has become difficult to justify. A lot of ink has been wasted on cotton candy, I am sure more will!

Operation Mend

We just cannot say “Thank You” enough to our young Veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Like so many other Service members from previous conflicts, they carry the scars of battle buddy’s getting killed, long deployments and painful combat wounds.

A Zionist’s Response to “What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?”

I recently posted an article entitled “President Obama: What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?” In response I received several comments from a gentlemen who posts under the name of Tim 2. His comments were so reflective of the typical Zionist reaction to this debate that I thought it would be enlightening to present it as an article under its own name.

What’s the Difference Between Zionism and Racism?

The common trait shared by all those who tend to be inhumane and corrupt is neither race, creed, nor color. What they all have in common is power, opportunity, and greed. And let there be no doubt, that's the source of all of the turmoil in the Middle-East - the power, opportunity, and greed of Israel and the American military/industrial complex.

Face of Defense: Soldier Survives Gunshot to Helmet

“There is something I need to tell you” are not the words any mother wants to hear from her son who is deployed to Afghanistan.

Haunting Legacy: Vietnam and the American Presidency from Ford to Obama

What a terrific book! Scrupulously researched and beautifully told, Haunting Legacy proves that try as they might, our past seven presidents have—one after the next—failed to exorcize the ghost of Vietnam.