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Tag: Terrorism

Homeless Veterans need to Stand Up – Not Stand Down

Almost 20 years ago I met a combat Vietnam Veteran named Robert Van Keuren and his partner in crime Dr. Jon Nachison both advocates like me doing work for homeless veterans in San Diego.

Prosthetic’s for Peace. The costs of Land Mines and War.

A friend of mine called and said: We should try to find ways to advance ourselves with our allies and even our perceived enemies by sharing our knowledge of prosthetics.

Veterans Support Organization

I was searching the internet the other day and came across a story online about a group collecting money for homeless Veterans outside a shopping center.

America and Pakistan – Questions and Answers

Two VT columnists, one from America and one from Pakistan exchanged ideas, concepts and concerns. This posting reflects questions and answers that are important to both of our countries.

Israel Is Only A Democracy If You Are A Jew. –...

Both Secretary of State Clinton and Secretary of Defense Panetta have now gone public with concerns over Israel’s growing isolation in the Mid-East.

“Occupy HUD” Movement Gains Traction

Forget about Occupy Wall Street. My readers and other Veteran Advocates nationwide say "Occupy HUD" and ask How many Iraqi or Afghanistan Combat Wounded Veterans Live in HUD Subsidized or Disability Housing?

Hundreds Sign Up 4 Veterans Hotline

As my readers already know, I volunteer once a month for the Veterans Hotline. This is a two-hour commitment and I will be "On Station" from 5am to 7am, the third Monday of each month.

Veterans Hotline Seeking Volunteers

A new Veterans nonprofit, "Veterans Workshop" has begun their nationwide recruitment for Volunteers who can assist with answering calls from American Veterans via a new Veterans911 hot-line.

Thanksgivings: An Eve, A Commitment And A Turtle

"The formula is simple and it's reduced to four words every kid in the world knows: Tell me a story. It's that easy."-Don Hewitt. What follows are three Thanksgiving stories and every word is true.

You Will Die From The Nuclear Lie

The Fantasy of Nuclear Lies…the Who, What and Even the Whys.

Nigeria: Targeted for Destruction

Nigeria is under terrorist attack and preparing military operations against a group called Boko Haram, an Islamic group from the North, more accurately centered in Niger. The group is real but in its current formation, it is the construct of outside powers who plan to Balkanize Nigeria. Nigeria, is, in itself, a construst that never should have existed. The North is Muslim, the South is Christian, each side having nearly 100 million people and neither half are united in any way.

HUD Secretary Donovan : Veterans Don’t Count

Last week we asked the Honorable Shawn L.S. Donovan, Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development of HUD, the following question "Where has the HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) been hiding during our nations housing crisis?"

2011 Marine Corps 236th Birthday Message

The Continental Marines were the Marine Force of the American Colonies during the American Revolutionary War.

Remembering LIBERTY for Veterans Day: A Book Review and a Candidates...

The attack on the USS Liberty remains "the only incident of damage to a major US ship since the sinking of the USS MAINE in Havana Harbour in 1898, prior to the Spanish-American War, that has not been investigated by the US Congress."

Israel, US, UK Nuclear Collusion, ‘Intelligence’ and Blowback

Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "A nuclear Iran will pose a serious threat to the Middle East and the entire world, and it of course poses a direct and heavy threat to us."

HUD Secretary Donovan – Shame on You.

I know people who work at HUD, one of the largest federal agencies in the country. HUD of course deals in housing, but also in homelessness.

Amerika Uber Alles: Our Zionazi Nation

Recent events support the Judeophobes over the Judeophiles, and warrant the coining of a new word, Judeopathic, to describe the actions of the self-proclaimed Jewish Nation. They either are preparing to start a war with Iran, or are running a bluff to push the West into a stronger anti-Iran position to avert war.

A Veteran Commits Suicide Every 80 Minutes

A veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes, according to a study published Monday.

Terrorists Fight Terrorism

Former American President Jimmy Carter commented on the kind of state terrorism reflected in American actions in Guantanamo Bay and other places as a disgrace to the U.S.A.

Nuclear November: Izzies Want Iran War

Israel, the country that 60 percent of Europeans considered the world's most dangerous nation in a 2002 poll, is close to starting yet another war, its third in the last five years, this time with Iran.

Bunkered Barack Obama Awaits World War

There are unsettling current events that make this presidential appearance in Denver seem like another command post exercise ready to go live for a false flag, world war or both.

Saudi Arabia, No Country for Young Men

The death of the Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud has dealt a strategic blow to the aging kingdom which is adamantly resistant to any form of social and political reform in the country.

San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot

It's a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.

Captain Eric H. May Deserves Medal Of Honor

The Iconoclast joins others on the Internet and in circles of power who know by experience that Captain May has an uncanny ability to correctly interpret what is really going on and to accurately predict what will happen next.

The 3rd of this October and Vanunu Mordechai

Unless Israel changes the date again, Mordechai Vanunu will learn the Court's decision on October 3, 2011 if he will be allowed his inalienable right to leave the state. Here's hoping what Vanunu said in 2006 will not be a self-fulfilling prophecy.....

“9/11 Was Good For Us.” — The Case Against Israel

The Zionist/Globalist bogey man, ridiculed as Al-CIA-duh by the free-thinking Internet Intelligentsia, remains the gang that not only can't shoot straight, but that inevitably shoots the Muslim world in the back. As a former Army Opposing Force's (OPFOR) Controller, I view Al-Qaeda as a nominally red (enemy) force that inevitably acts in support of blue (allied) strategic objectives. If there were no Al-Qaeda, then we would have to create one to keep the Global War going.

Peace Talks and the Pieces of the Holy Land

On Tuesday Israel announced plans for 1,100 new Jewish only housing units in the south Jerusalem settlement of Gilo, which is outside of the 1967 boundaries.

The Slow Hand of Justice at The Apartheid Wall

After nearly five years since a rubber bullet fired by an Israeli border policeman killed 10 year Abir Aramin, her family was awarded monetary compensation by an Israeli court.

America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger

Denver, location of the nation's state-of-emergency command apparatus, was the scene of massive terror training Friday. With financial markets crumbling worldwide, Zionists reeling from the push for Palestinian statehood in the UN and an Israeli attack on Iran, as reported by Haaretz,, under consideration, a false flag operation may well be in the works, and Obama's placement in Denver may well be the king retreating to his castle before the battle begins..

The Third Rail and Forcing Obama to Earn his Nobel

Today at the United Nations President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas formally requested full United Nations membership and stated, "I don’t believe anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for full admission in the United Nations." Citizens of conscience can help force President Obama to earn his Nobel Peace Prize...

Obama Proves Zionism Rules US and He is NOT on The...

CTJP=Compassion, Truth, Justice, Peace. President Obama's speech today at the UN drew immediate praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his efforts to dissuade Palestinian leaders from pushing for a United Nations vote on statehood, calling Obama’s actions a “badge of honor”.

Rick Perry Gets it Very Wrong About Israel Palestine

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been to Israel more than any other presidential candidate and he believes he’s on a mission from God. In his 11 years in office he also wrested much power away from that states Legislature. This citizen of conscience for US House of Representatives has been to Israel seven times since 2005, but I spent my time in occupied Palestine, on my mission from God: seek truth and report it!

Reno Air Crash, AZ Police Ambush, and Air Force Base Shooting

Tucson AZ. Just in 2 AZ DPS officers were ambushed by narco-terrorist this morning while on patrol on Interstate highway 8 between mile markers 142-148.

Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11

I am a Citizen of CONSCIENCE for House of Representatives 2012 and if elected my second act of congress will be to call for a new investigation into the events of that day we call 9/11.

Come September: The UN, Palestine, Israel, Vanunu and a Syrian Connection

My source in Syria informs me that the Philippine government has now called for all their nationals to leave the country and the British government is gearing up to evacuate all Brits from the costal areas of Syria to Turkey at a days notice. He added, “With September right around the corner I have no doubt that something very bad is brewing and will probably be here before the U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood.”

Hackers, Worms and Israel-USA Collusion Versus Gaza-Palestine

While hard working American tax payers face economic hardships, 81 members of Congress neglected listening to their constituents during this summers recess to take a lobbyist-funded trip designed to pressure them into sending even more tax-payer-funded weapons to the Israeli military which will be used to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians.

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident

Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen.

The Y-12 Thirteen and MADE in USA WMD

Come September, The Y-12 thirteen nuclear resisters will be sentenced for their July 5th 2010 nonviolent civil disobedience protest against USA MADE Nuclear Weapons. I was eyewitness to that day when priests and nuns, atheists, anarchists and a clown were among the 23 arrested by the State and 13 by the Federal Government for nonviolently resisting Nuclear Weapons at the Y-12 Complex at Oakridge, TN.

Two degrees of Kevin Bacon and Message through The Door of...

[New York City]--Last week, I went back to my homeland-New York City. I wanted to get a message through to the Supreme Allied Commander of the Colbert Super PAC Nation...On 14 July, the Israeli High Court justices ruled that Vanunu’s petition to have his citizenship revoked under the recently passed Citizenship Revocation Law must be answered within 30 days. That deadline expired yesterday...

Phone call and Email to Secretary of State Clinton RE: Israel,...

On Monday morning around 9 AM, I left a message with the person answering the phone for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seeking a statement regarding Israel, Nuclear Weapons and Mordechai Vanunu.

Israel: July 14th Movement, Arab Spring in Tel Aviv

The Israelis, young and old, hitting the streets in numbers reminiscent of Tahir Square in Egypt, don't really understand why the world is looking at them. Massive demonstrations, initially in Tel Aviv, protesting government failures to provide basic services despite the $30,000 per person Israel receives in "foreign aid" and allowances from the United States. A nation of professionals, Nobel Prize winners, one of the world's largest arms exporters, a nation that has imported nearly 1 million "guest workers," can't make ends meet, or so it tells its people.

Antichrists in the Air Force and Just Who Would Jesus Bomb?

“The United States Air Force has been training young missile officers about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons by citing passages from the New Testament and commentary from a former member of the Nazi Party and includes a discussion on St. Augustine's 'Christian Just War Theory.' Augustine was the first Church Father to consider the concept of a ‘Just War’ and within 100 years after Constantine, the Empire required that all soldiers in the army must be baptized Christians and thus, the decline of Christianity began.