Tag: Stuart Littlewood
Perpetuating Christmas misery…
When I criticised one of the 12 MPs who recently voted against Palestinian statehood, I found myself immediately under attack in the press from a local churchman for my "anti-Israel outburst". His own outburst was a catalogue of misinformation.
“When Ancient Theologies Are Used For Modern Political Ends…”
In a House of Lords debate on the Middle East the other day Lord Risby, who opened proceedings, set the tone and spoke of moving to “a final acceptance of the Palestinian reality”.
‘Recognising a Palestinian State Would Inhibit The Peace Process? What Peace...
Last Monday the House of Commons voted emphatically to "recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel as a contribution to securing a negotiated two state solution.” So decisively, that the motion was carried by 274 to 12.
Debate to Recognise Palestine Statehood
Despite all the veiled threats and the loony posturings of the pro-Israel lobby, Parliament voted 274 to 12 on Monday to recognise Palestine as a State.
Is This Palestine’s Last Chance?
Ever since I began taking an interest in the Palestinians' struggle – nearly ten years ago – those brave people have been cursed with rubbish leadership that has taken them steadily backwards instead of forwards...
The Gaza medical aid scandal: Suffer, little children….
The indifference shown by Messrs Obama and Cameron to the slaughter and unimaginable destruction that Israel – the self-styled “only democracy in the Middle East” with “the most moral army in ther world” – inflicted on Gaza a month ago is beyond sickening.
Scots Kiss Goodbye to Independence
As voting day neared, the "Yes" to Independence campaign was seriously threatening the unity of the realm by arguing that the only guarantee of self-governing powers for Scotland was to vote for independence.
UK Independence Party Hugs Another Friend of Israel
The UK Independence Party (UKIP), which hopes for a big breakthrough in next year's general election, has been wining and dining potential Conservative defectors one of which has actually come across.
Freedom To Live Ordinary Lives…
I have just received a very disappointing reply from my true-blue Tory MP to pleas for real government action over the slaughter in Gaza.
Toleration of Israel’s Inhumanity Condemns UK’s Leaders
- What's the latest score in this shoot-fish-in-a-barrel spectacle enjoyed by beer-swilling Israelis in deckchairs from the hills overlooking Gaza?
Some Not Amused by Palestinian Flag Projected Onto Parliament Building
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has projected an image of the Palestinian flag onto the Houses of Parliament in London. The image includes calls for sanctions against Israel and an end to the massacre in Gaza.
Palestinians Claim UN Protection and Prepare Lawsuits
As Gaza and its lovely people were being blown to smithereens by Israel's state-of-the-art weaponry, paid for by the grotesquely unlovely US administration, I put what I thought was a simple enough question to Dr Hanan Ashrawi on Palestine's accession to the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court (ICC) after her remarks in this TV interview
What More Horrors Are In Store for Gaza?
I wonder what Hamas and Israeli leaders are thinking as they survey the devastation in Gaza and review the death-toll and casualty figures?
Britain Dies of Shame
Today in London crowds are gathering to vent their anger in a mass demonstration and march to Parliament to “stop the massacre in Gaza” and call for an arms embargo against Israel.
Hamas Pricks Israel’s Soft Under-Belly, Ben Gurion Airport
Hamas has hit Palestine's bloodthirsty occupier where it could hurt real bad -- in the soft under-belly that is Ben Gurion airport.
Seize The Moment!
There was never a better moment for the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement to mass-mobilise for a mega-campaign to not only impact more heavily on the lawless Israeli state but also unmask those in business and public life who shamelessly support the criminal programme that was embedded in its DNA while on the Zionists' drawing board.
Exit Agent Hague
William Hague has quit as British foreign secretary. We thought the fawning Zio, Miliband D, was bad enough but his successor, Hague, probably made us even more enemies around the world.
What if Hamas dumped all their rockets in the sea tomorrow?
The slaughter of innocents is necessary to stop Gaza rocket-fire. That's what Israel says. “This isn’t about rockets from Gaza,” says Unite.
Dear PLO… Take Your Case To The ICC
As I write, the Israelis have slaughtered 160 Palestinians in their latest mad-dog military adventure, the vast majority being civilians including 35 children. 934 others have been wounded, including 280 children.
US Presbyterians Under The Cosh for Doing Their Christian Duty
I've been reprimanded for being too critical of the Presbyterian Church (USA) which has taken 10 years and 5 general assemblies to deal with its objectionable investments....
Palestinian Ambassador Hotly Denies ‘Recognising’ Jewish State
Israel's elaborate hasbara (propaganda) machine has done a sterling job over the years of distorting the truth and re-framing the Holy Land narrative to make the regime in Tel Aviv appear blameless and its war criminals sweetly innocent.
Bethlehem Uni Gets a New State-Of-The-Art Library
Bethlehem University is a very special place which I have been fortunate to visit several times.
Is Palestine ‘Solidarity’ Going Soft?
In the run-up to the EU elections the UK's Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) emailed supporters urging them to use a specially worded form for MEP candidates to fill in.
“Unhelpful” to blame anyone for peace talks breakdown…
Britain's Foreign Office, presided over by William Hague, has come up with the most fatuous response so far to the collapse of the latest peace talks stage-managed, as always, by Israel's partner in crime, America. Here it is........
Is UKIP the ‘White Knight’ of British Politics
UKIP (UK Independence Party) is poised to cause an earthquake in British politics at the European elections on 22 May. The mainstream parties – Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats – are panicking as they watch UKIP surge ahead in the polls.
A Palestinian ‘Resistance’ View
- As expected, the 'peace' talks farce has ended in disarray with all parties utterly discredited again. Do they never learn? Expect more acrobatics...
Peace Process: PLO Ignores Interview Request
The futile exercise reviving peace talks between Mahmoud Abbas's half-baked puppet administration and the Israelis comes to its scheduled climax in a few days, after which we wait with bated breath for US Secretary of State John Kerry's much-trumpeted "framework" for even more lopsided peace talks.
Fail to Nail The Warmongers And…
Secret mafia-like cabals are systematically wrecking our planet to feed their greed. They do so with impunity and without regard to human misery.
Meet Dave, Your Christian ‘Dyno-Rod’
Over the Easter holidays the UK's prime minister, David Cameron, was on his knees “doing God” in the run-up to European elections. And he sparked a great commotion in the media by claiming Britain is "a Christian country".
“BDS is Irrelevant.” Oh, Really?
What maddens Zionists most is that they cannot control civil society like they can pull the strings of the spineless political élite.
£50 For An Audience With Israeli ‘Justice’ Minister On War Crimes...
...and basking under the special protection of Her Majesty's Government.
Time To Target The Worst Villains of All
Last week David Cameron, addressing Israel's Knesset, pledged to defeat any boycotting of Israel.
Anger as Cameron Tries to Superglue Britain to Israel
The other day I signed a 'Get Well' petition for Palestinian youngsters Adam and Johar who were viciously maimed and crippled by the British Government's 'friends' in Israel.
Football Association gets its anti-racist knickers in a twist over Quenelle
West Bromwich Albion's star player Nicolas Anelka recently landed himself and his club in hot water when he allegedly performed the Quenelle after scoring a goal. It blew up into a furious storm in a Zionist teacup.
Holocaust Hullabaloo: Another MP Intimidated
The head of the Holocaust Educational Trust, Karen Pollock, has once again succeeded in wringing an apology from a British MP for remarks about what happened to Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe and what is happening now to Palestinians in Israeli-occupied Gaza and the West Bank.
“We Must Impose Sanctions,” says MP.
I'd like to share, especially with American readers, a great moment in the British Parliament on 5 February when the MP for Gorton, Manchester, Sir Gerald Kaufman rose to speak in a debate on the humanitarian situation in Gaza
Hague, sworn enemy of criminal impunity, still soft on Israel’s war...
A few days ago we were talking about Agent Willie Hague's self-proclaimed commitment to smoke out war criminals, bring them to account and support the International Criminal Court in its investigations.
So When Will International Justice Save Palestine?
Eighteen months ago UK foreign secretary William Hague delivered an important speech at the Hague, home of the International Criminal Court ...
Let’s shine a light into the ICC’s dusty corners…
I watched the Palestinian ambassador, Prof Manuel Hassassian's performance before a session of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee enquiring into 'Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: prospects for 2014'.
Sharon took ‘brave decisions’ for peace, says Agent Cameron
In a statement marking the death of Ariel Sharon, British prime minister David Cameron said he was "one of the most significant figures in Israeli history and as Prime Minister he took brave and controversial decisions in pursuit of peace, before he was so tragically incapacitated."
Help Prod The ICC Into Action Over Israel’s Illegal Settlements
Unbelievably, President Mahmoud Abbas and his hapless crew in Ramallah promised the US not to file charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court.
Xmas greetings to the UK Government…
Hello, the holly-decked halls of Westminster. Be of good cheer, all you chaps in your little festive bubble. I thought you might enjoy this Xmas message from Lennon/Ono...