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Obama, AIPAC and the Rest of US

Yesterday at AIPAC annual conference, the American president had to go out of his way to appease his Jewish crowd.

The Whole Truth…Nothing But The Truth. So Help Me God!

The White House propaganda machine is in action.

Days of Awareness and About The Money: Part 1

"I was a firefighter for twenty-two years and lost my house over $2,000.00"-Booker T. Perry of Orlando, Fl.

“Military Benefits”…This Ain’t No Way to Run a Railroad!

Can't trust 'em. Can't believe 'em. There's not much good coming out of Washington these days, just more of the same-O, Same-O.

Obama’s War on the Catholic Church

The pathetic attack on religious freedom and the sanctity of individual conscience is a shot heard round the planet.

Will the Media Report If Obama is Assassinated by Mossad?

The Atlanta Jewish Times publisher Andrew Adler, in an editorial on Jan. 13, committed treason when he suggested that Israel’s Mossad should consider assassinating President Barack Obama.

The 2012 Voting Experience – The Most Important of a Lifetime

Become and informed voter not just a dolt.

All We are Saying is Give Justice a Chance and All...

I hold these truths to be self-evident: That all people are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights and to secure these rights, governments are instituted among people deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

How’s That “Change” Working Out For You?

Who dreams up the glowing economic numbers and why do we let them get away with it?

Obama Announces Program to Hire Vets as First Responders

President Barack Obama today continued his commitment to improving employment among veterans by introducing an initiative to hire them as the country's first responders.

Dear Yoko: GIMME SOME TRUTH Vanunu Update

"All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth. I've had enough of reading things by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians. All I want is the truth. Just gimme some truth."-John Lennon, 1971.

At the Crossroads of War: Do NOT Say You Were NOT...

Iran's leadership denies any effort to make a nuclear weapon and Iran's Foreign Minister said that international inspectors will be allowed to visit any site in Iran that they wished while The New York Times beats the drum for war.

Barack Obama as Uncle Shlomo

Poor President Barack Obama, Uncle Shlomo, it seems the litmus tests of his loyalty to Israel and Israel First is a war on Iran.

The State of The Union is…Well… Really Awful!

Liar, Liar, pants on fire!

Washington’s War of Sanctions Against Iran

Washington's double-edged sword of policies towards the Islamic Republic is not only exhausting the patience of the Iranian nation but it is provoking the ire of international conscience as well.

Wake Up, America! The GOP Intends to Abolish the Middle...

it’s time for America to wake up - and particularly poor and middle class Republicans. Because entrusting this nation and our economy to the GOP would be like entrusting our children to convicted child molesters:

Israeli Wrecking Crews VS a State of Nonviolent Solidarity

The night before President Obama’s State of our Union Address, Israeli authorities demolished the Beit Arabiya Peace Home for the fifth time. While standing astride those ruins, ICAHD Director Dr. Jeff Halper, vowed, "We shall rebuild, we must rebuild as an act of political defiance of the occupation and protracted oppression of Palestinians.”

Jewish Imperial News

"Devastatingly, Adler’s murderous attitude towards politics is wholly consistent with some Biblical and Talmudic anti-gentile teaching."

South Carolina Was More Rational, Patriotic In My Day

In the mid-1990s, when Newt Gingrich was destroying American Sovereignty by pushing the globalist agenda of NAFTAFA and GATT with major media help, my Radio Free America and Liberty Lobby were two of the most outspoken opponents.

Orders from Tel Aviv: Murder Obama

Give the go-ahead for US-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”

Israel Firster Casino Mogul Super-Pacs Against U.S. Taxpayers

Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas casino magnate, has been secretly funding a new Super Pac for Israel to fight against presidential candidates that don't tow Israeli first line.

The Fragility of Freedom: SOPA, Ken Starr and Vanunu Mordechai

If Congress passes the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) it will allow the government to censor sites deemed to be trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and YouTube would likely be shut down.

Dear Jewish Times: Please Re-Think Call to Assassinate Obama

You have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad.

Exactly Who Is In The Driver’s Seat in Washington?

Those sneaky elected officials don't deserved another term

Here’s To The End of The ‘Special Relationship’ and More Outing...

The bumper sticker reads, “I love my country…but I think we should start seeing other people” and recent events lead me to believe it could actually be happening in regards to the “special relationship” between US and Israel.

CIA – DOD – Panetta and the Hidden Truth

Former CIA Director Panetta condemns Marines peeing on dead Taliban with "utterly deplorable" comment. Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black? .

George Mitchell – Why it is Apartheid?

"This is much worse than apartheid. Israeli measures, the brutality, make apartheid look like a picnic."

Talking TORTURE Regarding Gitmo, Manning and Vanunu

Torture is defined as anguish of body or mind or something that causes agony or pain and only those without a functioning Conscience can inflict it upon any other human or any creature.

Machsom: Real Jewish Values?

Check out these videos of Israeli soldiers at a Machsom (Security Checkpoints). The behavior of these soldiers raises serious questions about “Jewish values” promoted by the Israeli state.

Nuclear Weapons and Smoking Guns

The smoking gun behind the rapidly accelerating covert campaign of assassinations, bombings and cyberattacks against Iran, is widely believed to have Israel pulling the trigger.

Mitt Romney – Ted Kennedy and Veterans Milking Cows

Years later, I found out that the anonymous donor was Romney. Out of his own pocket he did this.

Support and Vote for a Real Change

All people are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among people deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

US-Israeli Spring Will Bring Deployment of Thousands of US Soldiers

This spring, Israel and US will showcase the largest ever missile defense exercise and establish US command posts in Israel and Israeli Forces will occupy EUCOM headquarters in Germany.

Lying, Chaos, Confusion, Insanity – I Can’t Take It Anymore!

Media whores dance together to inflate the great 0sama/Obama lie, Americans are dumbest subjects/slaves ever.

Obama: Defense Strategy Will Maintain U.S. Military Pre-eminence

President Barack Obama today announced a defense strategy he said will allow the military to defend the United States and its national interests while cutting military spending in a responsible, balanced manner.

New Online Group for Out of Work Veterans

I was sent an email by a veteran who had lost his job last summer, and has been searching hard for a place to find work.

DemocraticUnderground.com, Censorship, Google Alerts and Carpe Diem

This morning's email included a Google Alert for "eileen fleming" which led to another lame attack by The Democratic Underground and another opportunity to expose Zionism on the WWW.

US-Engineered Sanctions: No Coup De Grace For Iran

Will Washington dispense with a new round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran? Or will the warmongers in the White House march for war against the country?

MADE IN USA Messages and Obama’s Spine

President Obama “intends to hammer the theme of economic justice for ordinary Americans rather than continue his legislative battles with Congressional Republicans. In terms of the president’s relationship with Congress in 2012, the president is no longer tied to Washington, D.C.”

Obama Signs Defense Spending Bill Despite Reservations

President Barack Obama signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act today, while acknowledging "serious reservations" about parts of the act, particularly provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.

Operation Cast Lead and a 2012 Deja Vu

Exactly three years after Operation Cast Lead, Israel is threatening another invasion on Gaza while Hamas leaders order a halt to all attacks on Israel.

Muslim Christian Jew, Extremism is Extremism

I recently read a story online about a little 8-year old girl from Israel and the trouble she encounters just going to her local elementary school everyday because some ultra-orthodox Jews living in a city called Beit Shemesh take offense to the way she dresses .